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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hey Jesse That's really clever and skilful work on the hinges. I know that if I tried something similar, well, it'd probably split (and I'd need to go to see the local Catholic priest for confession-too much swearing!!!). What's your secret? Incidentally, you're not alone with the photos loading out of order. I have exactly the same problem too. On a slightly different note, I also seem to receive posts out of order as well. For instance, your posts about the sea and placement of the hull into it, didn't appear until now, ie after the posts about the paper bulwarks. Strange, though, but it's not the end of the world. Anyhow, I'm looking forward to your next instalment . Cheers Patrick
  2. Hi Jond Congratulations for a successful shakedown cruise. She looked magnificent in the photos. I understand what your son is saying about the keel and radio being used in a more "practical" ship, one than come about and tack. However, on the other hand, you've worked so hard on this ship, that not to see her in the water would be a pity. All the more reason to ensure you get some great videos going so that we can all see! Congrats, once again. Cheers Patrick
  3. Hi Denis Thanks for your comments. I'm constantly learning and being surprised at just how much detail I can pack into Symphony's hull. The sub, cutter and folding chairs are things I would never have thought possible in my previous models, but I've given them a go and I don't think they look too bad. So what's next? I'm thinking about how to do the dinner plates on the saloon table. Now, that'd be fun if I can pull it off. Cheers and all the best! Patrick
  4. Hi Nigel Many thanks for your compliments, which are greatly appreciated and welcomed! The submarine was a fun thing to do and, whilst not built to any scale, at least it looks the part. The same goes for the tiny gaff rigged cutter. Having said that, a scale of 1/10000 really does make the mind boggle! With respect to the interior visibility, I'm leaving the deck and cabin roof completely un-planked, so that the details can be viewed. Thanks and all the best! Cheers Patrick
  5. Hi everyone Mark's comment about "sub subminiature" has triggered something off in my mind. What if the owners of Symphony were into models of nuclear submarines? Well, why not make a teeny tiny model of a nuclear submarine to display on the curved cupboard in the saloon? So I did one and the results are in the photos below. Ok, pls use heaps of imagination, because...well...because, it's the best I could do! I need to have Igor's excellent miniaturisation-skills for me to pull it off really well. I've also started on the staircase leading from the companionway to below deck. Hope you enjoy the photos. Cheers Patrick
  6. Hi Mark Nice job on the masts! Congratulations, also, for finishing your marathon with all target times being met. Cheers and all the best! Patrick
  7. Hi Jesse Very nice work on the hull, especially with respect to the bulwarks. I also have to say that I didn't realise how small the hull was, until I saw your huge hand next to it! I'm looking forward to the journey ahead. All the best! Patrick
  8. Hi Frank The quality of your workmanship really shines through in the last few photos - really nice, crisp and clean work. The same goes for your workshop, which would be one of the truly desirable "man caves". I've also gotta say that the gantry is a great idea, as well. I'm looking forward to your next update about the ropes. Cheers and all the best! Patrick
  9. Thanks Ben, David, Mark, SOS, Bob, Frank and everyone else for hitting the Like button. I really appreciate you all taking the time to comment and provide feedback. It keeps me motivated! Ben - interesting comments about seeing how the full interior fits together and how each parts relates to the next, because I couldn't agree more with you. I love it too. I guess that what spurs me onto building the ship's interiors. Thanks and all the best to everyone! Cheers Patrick
  10. Hi Jond Yes...you're right. The tension is mounting! As a consequence, my fingers are crossed for a very successful voyage, (barring the odd teething problems). I'm looking forward to your next update! Cheers Patrick
  11. Hey Igor Nice job, especially with the brass handles on the doors! Cheers Patrick
  12. Hi Frank Thanks for your comments! Like you and everyone else on this Forum, if we never try something, we'll never know if it's possible, or not. For me, I mulled over it for a long time, thinking that I couldn't do it. But, I gave it a go, and while not perfect, at least they look the part! Cheers Patrick
  13. Hi Piet, Bob and everyone else for hitting the Like button! First of all, Piet, I'm sorry for causing your jaw to drop.....hehehe!!! I'm just grateful that you like my work. Secondly, Bob, as promised, here are the photos of the folding chairs and the saloon table. The photos aren't the best because the chairs are so small that photographing them properly was difficult. Oh well, it's the best I can do with my limited photo skills. Hope you enjoy them. Cheers Patrick
  14. Hi Dimitris How are ya? I haven't seen any updates from you about your wonderful Amerigo Vespucci lately, so I hope all's well in your shipyard! Look forward to seeing your next update whenever possible. All the best Pay
  15. Hi Nils What a beautiful and streamlined hull; from the sharp entry at the bow, through to the beautiful elliptical stern and the way that the prop shafts are faired into the hull. A real thing of beauty to behold. I know that it's a cliché, but they sure don't build 'em like this nowadays! It's a pity that most modern ships are bereft of beauty. Oh well, it makes ships like your KWdG all the more special... Cheers and all the best! Patrick
  16. Hi Bob Thanks. The chairs and table aren't glued in yet, so...Easily done! I'll post some tomorrow for you. Cheers and thanks. Patrick
  17. Hi David and Frank Thanks for your compliments! Ahhh, yep...the folding chairs can fold. I can attest to that because I accidentally squashed the first one that I made. Mmmm...Note to Self - Be careful where you put your coffee cup! Cheers Patrick
  18. Hi Ben, Nils and Bob and everyone who hit the Like buton All of your comments are greatly appreciated! Well, over the past few days I've managed to do a bit more work on the galley, the double bed stateroom that sits opposite the galley and the small berth and shower compartment in the forepeak. In the main saloon, I've done the saloon table as well as three folding chairs that are arranged around the saloon table. I hope you enjoy the photos. Cheers Patrick
  19. Hi Owen I've really enjoyed seeing your tug coming together. I reckon you've done a great job! What I especially like is the fact that you've added heaps of character and individuality to your ship, as witnessed by the atlas, maps, etc, etc. The engine is a nice touch, as well. You should feel justifiably chuffed! Cheers Patrick
  20. Hi Bob Beautiful, nice and crisp work. A minor set back and you're off and running again. I'm looking forward to your next update. Cheers Patrick
  21. Hi Nils Thanks! Now that's a thought! My only question is where do I get one of those Keyhole Digital cameras from? Cheers Patrick
  22. Hi Mobbsie and Frank Many thanks. The interior is based on an actual yacht named Signe, however, as I was never able to find the actual hull drawings, I made up my own hull, instead. So, it's a bit of a hybrid version of the real yacht, Signe, (ie my hull, but with Signe's interior). As a consequence, because it wasn't strictly the real Signe, I decided to rename the model to Symphony. I hope I'm making sense. Anyway, here's what I'm using: PS: Frank- your "Symphony" that you've posted, would, indeed, keep me off the streets. She'd be a whole lotta fun, for sure! Cheers Patrick
  23. Hi Frank Well, like they say, it wouldn't be worth it, if it was easy to make! Nice job. Cheers Patrick
  24. Hi Frank She's looking better and better all the time. I'm really impressed with how good your mast top looks - a complex structure which you've made to look very simple. Nicely done! Cheers Patrick
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