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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hi Steve I just can't get over how realistic and finely detailed your ship is. What an absolute beauty! Love it. Cheers Patrick
  2. Oh come on, Anton!!! Is there nothing that you can't do? All I can see is damn nice, beautifully made, finely detailed and realistically accurate. I'm feeling very, very, very...inadequate as a modeller. I guess what I'm saying in a nutshell, is, she's damn nice! Cheers and all the best Patrick
  3. Hi Leo I'm always hanging out for your updates and once again, I'm not disappointed! What I'm particularly impressed about is your choice of woods - nice close grained and richly coloured wood, which look perfectly suited to the scale you're building at. Very nice! Please keep the updates flowing. Cheers Patrick
  4. Hi Jerry That's a very nice before and after pic which clearly shows the progress made over the past year. I have to say that wow, she looks nice on the water. If I were you, I'd have been very tempted to take her out of the pool and set her free on the harbour. Now, that'd be a real sight to see! Well done Cheers Patrick
  5. Thanks Mark, but I probably need to explain my comment. What I should've said is that there's still the underwater of the hull to be painted a different color and then the gold cover stripe needs to be added. So, still a little bit more work to do. Cheers Patrick
  6. Hi Ben, David, Carl, Michael and everyone else for their Likes. The paint I'm using is a blue Humbrol gloss enamel. So far, this is the third coat of paint, but I suspect I'd need a few more to get a really nice finish. Thanks and all the best! Cheers Patrick
  7. Hi Dave She's looking absolutely superb! To be honest, you call it 'practice'. But, I call it anything but practice! I just struggle to think how I could've even done half of what you've achieved so far. I look forward to your next update. Cheers Patrick
  8. Hi Ben Thanks your comments. I'm going to go as close to the real thing as possible. Thanks and all the best! Patrick
  9. Hi ho everyone and thanks for all your Likes and comments. Well, it may not look like it, but I actually have been doing a fair bit of work in terms of measuring and marking the interior layout, eg bulkheads and positions of floors, etc. The only problem is that there's nothing much to show for it, but trust me, I have been doing some work! I have also continued the painting of Symphony's hull. Here are the photos. Still a long way to go, but fun nonetheless! Cheers and all the best! Patrick
  10. Hi Dennis Shark Boat/Bat Boat...certainly on an animal theme, there. Personally, I really like the last pic...now that'd be a really fun build! Cheers Patrick
  11. Hey Igor She's looking great. I love that last photo especially, because it shows off the hull lines beautifully. Very nicely done, so far! Cheers Patrick
  12. Nice work on the hull and cabin, Pete! You know, after looking at the last two photos... if you put four wheels on the hull and painted it jet black, I'm sure it'd be like something out of a Hollywood movie! Batman's car, perhaps? What do you think? Cheers Patrick
  13. Hi Pete After seeing your hull, I suspect that you are secretly an expert piano maker who specialises in those super smooth and shiny piano finishes. Come on, admit it! We all want you to come clean. Seriously though, beautifully done! Cheers Patrick
  14. Hi Bob I've been wondering about you and your Frienship sloop, because of the gap since your last post. Like everyone's saying, the slump will pass and you'll come out feeling more energised and refreshed....a bit like the Energiser Bunny (I'm assuming you have that advert in America?). I hit the wall half way through building my HMS Victory. It took some serious effort to work on it night after night. Sometimes, I couldn't even touch it. Instead, I'd just sit and stare at the hull for a whole night and then pack it up and do the same thing the next night. It was a real @&$*¥€#, but it passed eventually. Yours will too! All the best and I look forward to seeing your next post when you're up to it. Cheers Patrick
  15. Hi Jerry I can almost feel the water calling! Good luck with the exhibition and I hope all goes well. Cheers Patrick
  16. Hi Ben No probs, whatsoever! It's amazing (if not a little spooky), to see the oars in action, particularly with respect to the degree of functionality that you've built into the motion. Have you been tempted to do a bath tub test yet? Cheers Patrick
  17. Hi Ben Bravo and well done! Here ya go!! Cheers Patrick
  18. Hi Cristiano Whilst Carl (Cog) and I may be the most frequent contributors, please be assured that there are most likely many more admirers in the background enjoying your ship as much as we are! Keep the great work going. Cheers Patrick
  19. Hi Bill Irrespective of your comment about the 'lack of precision', your work is impressive nonetheless. There's no doubting how much I'm enjoying watching your ship take shape, because, not only is it a nice subject to build, but your commitment to making the hull as authentically as possible is commendable. Keep the updates coming thick and fast, please. Cheers Patrick
  20. Hi Mike Many thanks. The colours you've shown will, of course (as in the full sized ships), really show off the beautiful Colin Archer lines. Additionally, as you've said, the tissue paper will definitely add another layer of security and protection against water damage. Can't wait for your next updates, because I can feel the waves beckoning for your ship to set sail. Cheers and all the best Patrick
  21. Hi Kees Words simply can't easily describe how impressive your ship is! Seriously well done and congratulations. Cheers Patrick
  22. Hi Cristiano She's looking great! I can't wait to see the flags on...it'd be a bit like the 'icing on the cake'. Cheers and all the best Patrick
  23. Hi Dennis Many thanks! You're right about the paint being a good way to show the imperfections. Ironically, once the black paint had dried, I sanded it just about completely off. Now, the hull's just about perfectly smooth. BTW, I really like the thought of the "Bat boat", as well. Do you think you'll add it to your list? Cheers Patrick
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