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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hi Bob Love those eggs! Apart from what Carl said above, there is no doubting the talent and skill that you've shown with your models. I still look at your rigging and all the metalwork fixtures on your masts and hulls and shake my head in the knowledge that I'm nowhere even close to meeting your standard. So, yep, without a doubt, your models are a cut above the rest as far as I'm concerned! Hi Carl- I've sent you a PM. Cheers and all the best Patrick
  2. Hi Lawrence Many thanks. Big or small, as long as we have fun building, then size really doesn't matter (LOL)!!! All the best Patrick
  3. Thanks Dennis Greatly appreciated Cheers Patrick
  4. Hi Nenad My heart goes out to you, your son and daughter. I can't imagine what you're going through at the moment. I will pray for you all. Please take care. Patrick
  5. Nope,,but I'd forgotten about it! Marvellous work.
  6. Hi Dennis Just looking at the last few photos of your drilling efforts, it doesn't take much imagination to think how good the ship's going to look all lit up at night. I look forward to the next update. All the best Patrick
  7. Hi everyone Thanks for all your comments and Likes! Here are the latest photos of Symphony's progress; in particular I've built the oval shaped rear helmsman cockpit as well as done a bit more on the main cabin, e.g. companion way framing, etc. The rear cockpit is still to be sanded and fitted out with the seats, binnacle, wheel, etc. Hope you enjoy the photos. Cheers Patrick
  8. Hi Nenad My deepest sympathies to you, your wife, son and daughter on the sad loss of your mother and grandmother. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. Patrick
  9. Hi Mark I love the framework of the hull. It has a beautiful symmetry and gracefulness that's hard to describe. It'll be a shame to plank it, but plank it you must (of course). She's certainly a real looker. Cheers Patrick
  10. Hi Cristiano What a brilliant milestone to reach. Everything is so beautifully and neatly done, that it represents a major achievement that you must be really chuffed about. Well done and congratulations. Cheers Patrick
  11. Beautiful. Beautiful. Simply Beautiful, Pete. That teak adds a really special touch, that's for sure.
  12. Hi Ben No probs. Here ya go! Cheers Patrick
  13. Hi Carl, David, Peter, and everyone who commented and hit the Like button. Greatly appreciated! Well, I've done some more work on Symphony's deck, in particular the cockpit flooring. On the real ship, this cockpit houses two long rows of benches for passengers and paying guests to relax. The cockpit also leads to the grand staircase via the main companionway, both of which will be built later. Heaps more cleaning up to go, though. Hope you enjoy the photos. Cheers Patrick
  14. Ahhh! Sometimes it's the easiest methods that seem the hardest to think of. Nicely done, Igor.
  15. I'm happy to wait, Mark, because the results of your learning curve will be worth it! All the best Patrick
  16. Hi Igor Beautiful sails? Quick question-how did you print the lettering on the mainsail? Look forward to more updates, as always. Cheers Patrick
  17. Very nice. Two hulls for the price of one, Mike! Are you tempted to complete both hulls?
  18. Hi Nils Even though the hull is still at the framing stage, there's no doubting her beauty and gracefulness. This is going to be another "Nils Masterpiece" for sure! Cheers Patrick
  19. Hi Ben Lots of techie stuff in your build, but once it's all fine tuned, you'll be off and running again. I'm looking forward to the next update. Cheers Patrick
  20. Hi Jon Nice to see some water shots! She looks great in her element. I bet it won't be before long and your beautiful sails will goes on. I look forward to your next update! Cheers Patrick
  21. Thanks Dennis, Jeff, Marty and Ben for your comments and Likes. Ben- a special thanks for your vote of confidence and compliments. After having one of the worst days at work today, your kind words has picked me up a bit. Very grateful. Thanks Patrick
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