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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hi everyone. Mystic's progress continues. I've started to add small, but important details to Mystic's superstructure. These include the doors (intentionally left partially open to add life to the ship), the mast and the radar dome (that's the funny white thing at the top, just in front of the mast). There's more stuff to do, though, such as rigging for the mast, navigation lights, an anchor, windlass, propellers, rudder and stanchions, etc. I'm even contemplating doing a tiny dinghy which could be tied up alongside. Anyhow, please enjoy the photos. All the best!
  2. Thanks Michael! Greatly appreciated. However, whilst my 6 mm diesel engines are pretend, the engine you're building for your Skipjack is ALL real!!! All power to you!
  3. Hi David....yes, I am into BDSM....that is, Beautiful Darn Ship Models!!!! Aren't we all? Seriously, I really appreciate your comments. All the best and I hope you're still staying healthy.
  4. Hi Kees. Nice to hear from you and thanks for your question. I haven't really thought about a diorama setting. Building this model has been more about the challenge of seeing how small could I build this thing. As it turns out...that's pretty darn small! Cheers and thanks.
  5. Hi Bob, Joe, Piet and Omar. Many, many thanks for all your words of encouragement. Omar-nice to see you join Mystic's journey. I'm glad that you're able to be encouraged by my model. What ship are you building at1:150 scale? Is it your Cutty Sark? Look forward to hearing back from you.
  6. Hi Jeff. You know the old saying...if at first you don't succeed, then try and try again...! You're definitely on the right track.
  7. Hi Omar. That's some nice work you've got going on there! The CS is definitely an impressive looking ship and you are certainly doing it justice! Well done and all the best.
  8. Hi everyone. As promised in an earlier post, here are the latest photos of Mystic's interior. The wheelhouse has some added details, including a ship's wheel (which I may redo later on because it doesn't look too good), a benchseat at the rear of the wheelhouse, the helmsman's chair and some other sundry details to bring it to life. Below decks, I've added a rear bunk in the stern cabin and steps up the whhelhouse. There's even a Toilet in the WC in the rear cabin, although you'll have to take my word for it as it's so small (less than 1mm approx high), that I can't photograph it well. There's other details in the forward cabins, such as cushions on the settee berths, etc, but they can't be easily photographed either. Still more work to go... Hope you enjoy the photos! Cheers and all the best.
  9. Hi Jantje. Looks good! You're definitely off to a great start. Is this your first SIB? I also like the Victory cross-section in the background. All the best!
  10. Hi Piet. That's very high praise coming from someone such as yourself. Much appreciated! Thanks and all the best.
  11. Hi Popeye. I've generally left most of my models without windows, simply because I've found that the plastic goes cloudy from even the tiniest bit of superglue. I was going to do the same with Mystic. However, if this product you're mentioning will glue the clear plastic without it going cloudy, then, I'll see if I can get some. Can you pls confirm if that is the case? Thabks and all the best!
  12. Hi all. Thanks Nils, Popeye, Michael, Yves, Mike, Mark and everyone else for your Likes and comments. I've added more detail to Mystic. I'll post more photos later, but in the meantime, have a look at Mystic resting in the palm of a giant's hand! Reminds me of the TV series "Land of the Giants". All the best and have a great weekend!
  13. Hi Popeye. Now I can see what you've been referring to all this time. Now, I get it!!!! Your M&M ship is just brilliant and if these boats turn out the same, then they're going to be just as amazing. Thanks for the link! All the best.
  14. I have to agree as well...you're definitely having a lot of fun and powering ahead. Looks great so far and I can't wait to see how things progress from here. Out of curiosity, do you think you could post some pictures of your M&M Funship? I know that you've referred to it many times, but I can't find a link to it on this forum. If so, that'd be great! Thanks and all the best.
  15. Hi all. Mystic now has has her decks installed. Now that that's been done, I think I can return to the interior details. The following photos show the progress so far. The superstructure is temporarily inserted into the hull. Inside, I've also started on the interior of the wheelhouse, whilst the outside has had its first coat of varnish. Anyhow, here goes:
  16. Hi Yves. Many thanks for the compliments, but, anyone can do what I do. If you can build a larger scale model, then, a smaller one is really not that much different. The biggest challenge is to try to make the bulkheads thin enough so as to simulate scale thickness.That's hard! It doesn't take much to go over scale and spoil the effect. Oh well.... All the best!
  17. Hi Joe. I'm excited because now I can actually see your recent photos! The reason being that our download speeds were limited because we went over the internet limit last month. Now things are back to normal and I can see where you're up to. Great work and I look forward to more progress photos. All the best!
  18. Hi Jeff Any one of the examples you've shown could pass. It just depends upon what type of sea-state and wind conditions you're trying to replicate. Having said that, I agree with you when you say "what a difference different lighting makes". Keep going and I'm looking forward to seeing what you eventually go with. All the best
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