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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hi Alan. The amount of work that you're putting into this ship is magical. She's going to look fantastic. Your friend and his father should be extremely grateful. Well done!
  2. Hi Mauro. I love the deck planking. There's a richness and warmth coming from the wood you've used that makes it very special. Well done!
  3. Hi Vivian, Bob, Overdale, Michael, Mark, Piet and everyone else for their likes and comments. Greatly appreciated! Mark - forget dog walking! It's in the public's best interest that that you stay with the hobby. You don't want to be picking up dog crap all day! Vivian . Many thanks and all the best. Bob - greatly appreciated! Michael - I have to say that your tiny cutter was part inspiration for doing small things! Piet - monofilaments and paper. Why didn't I think of that! Mine's far from perfect, but at least I've proved to myself that I can do it. Now, I just need to fix up all the errors. Can't wait to see yours when it's done! Overdale. What can I say. You have amazed me with your beautiful model. Your workmanship is second to none; not to mention the quality of your wood panelling skills. She's a beauty! I think you need to do a build-log for her, so that other members can enjoy it. Well done! All the best everyone and thanks!
  4. Hi Alan. I was thinking the very same thing all along, about the cabin height. I'm glad that you lowered the height, but, I also share your sentiments in hesitating to do it. Should look heaps more scale-like in appearance now. Well done and all the best!
  5. I did it! I did it! Well, I sorta did it. The compromise was that I couldn't do the hull as a clinker hull, due to its tiny size, difficulty in making the planks thin enough and carving a rabbett line. There are certain realities in size that just can't be overlooked, afterall. Anyhow, the hull has five frames, including the transom. It's planked with wood, although the frames and keel are made out of card. There's still much finishing off, including the deck boards, painting, oars, etc that need to be fitted. Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy the photos!!! I'm a happy man!
  6. Hi Bernhard Nice boat too. If'd be great to see a video of it underway, but that's not always easy to post. All the best with your Sparrow build.
  7. Hi Michael. Being a total ignoramus about these things, the sad thing is that I have absolutely no idea what you or anyone else has been talking about. Heck, I'm so gullible about engines that I even believe the car mechanic! On the otherhand, I do know excellent craftsmanship, err, mechanic'manship when I see it. Damn good stuff!
  8. Hi Bernhard. Very nice. Have you bought your RC and sail winch yet? I always preferred a winch over a sail servo, but either one would be fine. I bet you can't wait to get it into the water! All the best.
  9. Hey Piet Now those photos look great! The frames are amazing and it certainly looks like they'll be strong enough with the reinforcement that you glued onto them. Can't wait to see it all assembled! Go for it!
  10. Hi everyone. Thanks for all your Likes and feedback. David (dgbot) - Mystic's hull is now sporting its first lick of white paint. More coats with sanding in between are required to get the hull nice and smooth, though. Hope you like it so far. You're definitely right, though, David. The painting of the hull has certainly improved Mystic's overall appearance. Bob and Piet. Although I don't have photos yet, you may be interested to know that I've been planning how to build a 2cm long POF dinghy. It's possible, but I may have to make some compromises along the way. I'll post photos once I get started. All the best, everyone!
  11. Hi Ben. I've said it before and I'll say it again...."looks brilliant!!" Well done!
  12. Hi Brian. I too, am looking forward to following along. It should be a great build. Out of interest, I've noticed that the photos of the beautiful models provided by Sticlaru in the post above are not captioned, but, does the big model resemble what your model will look like? Nice models, by the way and thanks to Sticlaru for posting them. Cheers and all the best!
  13. Hi Piet. One suggestion to strengthen your wood could be to saturate it with thin liquid super glue. I do this habitually and find that it seriously adds strength to the wood. Once the glue's dry, it can ge easily sanded. May be worth a try. Cheers and all the best.
  14. Hi Nenad That's some pretty impressive work! I like them. Keep going! All the best.
  15. Hi Dave and Bob, and all others for hitting the Like button. David-Yep. I plan on painting the port side of her hull white, while leaving the starboard side with cutout varnished. Bob - thanks for the encouragement. A 2cm POF dinghy hull....madness, madness I say!!! Ok. I'll give it a go. All the best!
  16. Hi all. More of the latest of Mystic's details are provided in the following photos. Principally, I've added the poles that hold up the awnings and the wooden railings to both sides of the hull and stern. Interestingly, on the port side of Mystic's railings, I've attached brown cardboard to simulate a tanned coloured canvas that would have given protection to the crew and passengers from wind and waves (ok, probably wouldn't really make that make of a difference in real life, but, I've seen many photos of similar ships with them, so I put it on Mystic). Hope you enjoy.
  17. Hi Piet! That's incredible! This is definitely going to be another fantastic build from you, no doubt. Well done!
  18. Hi Piet. Mmmm, trust me. I had actually thought of a POF build for the dinghy. But, at 2cms long, I don't even know if that's possible. May be worth a try, though....you never know.
  19. Hi Dennis. Many thanks. Because the model is so small, I'm favouring a very low key type of display stand...something that won't over-power the ship. I haven't quite figured out what that'll be yet, but at the rate that I'm finishing this ship, I'd be needing it pretty soon! Hi Michael. Many thanks. I really like that second last shot as well; simply because it shows off her lines beautifully. Mind you, I'm finding this model hard to photo because she's so small (ironically sounds kinda counter-intuitive, doesn't it?). Hi Bob. I really appreciate your comments and encouragement, as they spur me on. I read in your Lettie log that things haven't been going well for you lately. I hope all is well and that you and the Admiral are going ok. All the best to you all and for everyone that hit the Like button!
  20. Hi Ben. Wow! She's really powering along nicely. The second to last shot shows her off beautifully; almost like something completely out of this world! Can't wait till she hits the water. All the best.
  21. Hi Bob. Congratulations! Your Lettie is beautiful and you must be very proud of her. How will you display her? A display case, or free standing on a shelf or table? Regardless, she is deserving of a special dust-free place. As for your next model, perhaps a 'classic motor launch' such as the type that I'm beavering away on, perhaps? Just a thought... All the best.
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