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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hi Row Many thanks. Good question! As most of the interior accommodation photos, as well as the low resolution drawing of the interior layout (see photo in my earlier post above) are of the modern replica yacht, I'll have to model her on the modern yacht. Thanks for joining me on Rainbow's journey. Cheers Patrick
  2. Hi Lextin The sails and video are great! Not long to go now before she hits the water. Have you thought of a Go-Pro mounted on the deck to record her voyages? Cheers Patrick
  3. Hi everyone Oh no! Not another J Class yacht model? Yes, I say! They are amongst the most beautiful racing machines ever designed...and Rainbow, is no exception. My model (loosely based on Amati plans) will be fully detailed inside; much the same as my previous models, eg Ingomar. The interior wil be viewable via an open deck and large cutaways of the hull. Hope you can join me on Rainbow's journey! All the best Patrick
  4. Hi Dennis There is a certain "deliciousness' that comes with a beautifully detailed model; ie one that captivates and draws one's eye to marvel at each and every tiny detail. Concurrently, one's eye is drawn away from the detail to take in the whole model at a glance and marvel at the overall effect. I have no doubt that you A G is going to be one such model. The level of detail and skill involved in pulling it all together, as witnessed by your most recent photos is testimony to this. Keep the photos coming! Cheers Patrick
  5. Hi Michael..the last photo of the engine in Post 309 has left me speechless. Utterly amazing work! All the best for 2015 Patrick
  6. Hi Firdajan Great fleet! You should be very proud. Have a great 2015. Cheers Patrick
  7. Very nice and precise work, Hartmut. She's looking great. Have a great 2015!
  8. Hi John I've also toyed with the idea of building a hull in three sections to enable the interior to be built more easily. Although I've never actually done so, it would seem to make logical sense. If you do decide to do Mary Rose in this way, then I have no doubt it'll work out beautifully. The only trick would be to ensure that all the interior aligns perfectly once the sections are joined; but, other than that, why not? All the best fir 2015 and happy building. Cheers Patrick
  9. Hi Nils. Amazing! I hope you have a nice and prominent place to display your Pegasus, because she definitely deserves to be admired by friends and family for generations to come! All the best Patrick
  10. Hi Bob. Count me in too! Look forward to this one as the Friendship Sloop has to be one of the prettiest boats designed. Just the sheer line alone, is a killer; not to mention the curved cabin. All the best! Patrick
  11. Hi Dennis She's looking really good! I love the fuel drums and all the other details you're packing in. Great build! All the best Patrick
  12. Hi Pete You're back!!!! Great to see you back in the fold! I'm looking forward to following along. How are your other boats coming along? Cheers Patrick
  13. Hi Kevin. Thanks for reloading the photos. One thing's for sure, the Skipjack hulls are truly fine and shapely. Built for speed without a doubt. Look forward to following your progress. All the best and happy modelling!
  14. Jan. Your ships are just beautiful! Nice and crisp detail. I still can't get my head around the fact that you've made them out of card. Amazing! All the best.
  15. Hi Hartmut. That's a great jig for making the ladders! Please keep hints and tips like that coming because we can all learn from them. All the best!
  16. Not only is it "another world of modelling", but it's beyond comprehension just how difficult it is to do what Michael's doing. Truly a job for the seriously skilled!
  17. Hi Piet, Michael, Bob, Nils, Dennis, Mark, Matija and Elia Many, many thanks and all the best for 2015!
  18. Thanks Michael and everyone. Your comments are greatly appreciated. Michael, the watch is a Swiss Watch that I own....another expensive hobby of mine. This particular watch is one of my favourites because it was a surprise gift from my wife a few years back. It's an Omega Seamaster Regatta chronograph which, as a professional diver's watch, is fully water resistant to 300 m, or 900 feet underwater....not that I even take it in the bath tub! All the best for 2015!
  19. Hi all Please find the final photos of Mystic on her new display stand. As such, the construction of this classic motor yacht is now finished. Pls enjoy and thanks to all who liked and commented during Mystic's construction. All the best!
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