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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hi md1400CS Thanks for your kind words. Greatly appreciated! Cheers and all the best.
  2. Hi YvesVidal, Hexnut, Yamsterman and Michael Many thanks and greatly appreciated. Michael - The boats are exactly three centimetres in length. They were built by layering multiple strips of paper over a waxed wooden plug. When the paper hulls were dried, I stiffened them by saturating them with liquid super glue. This set them rock hard; allowing them to be sanded and painted. Hope this explanation helps. All the best!
  3. Wow! Looks really good...and quick, too!!!
  4. Guess what! Ingomar is now sporting her ship's boats! They're painted black so that they stand out from the mother ship's white hull. I've also fitted them with rudders and propellers. I still have to fit them permanently to their davits, but that can be done shortly after a touch up or two. Can't wait. Anyhow, here goes with the photos. But, wait...the second photo shows the completed boarding ladder, which also scrubbed up pretty well. All the best everyone!
  5. Hi there. Despite what I may have said in my earlier email, if It was my model, I would've redone it too. Afterall, you're correct... There's nothing like being able to say that you've done it right.
  6. Hi Piet. Absolutely marvellous!!! You deserve to be very proud of what you've achieved. Well done and all the best!
  7. Hi Kees. No need to be shy with us. We just love our hobby and everyone is welcomed! From my perspective, you've got extraordinary skills and talents; from which we can all learn and enjoy! Look forward to following your next ship. All the best!
  8. Hi Nils, Daniel, Bob, Piet, Sven, Jeff and everyone else for their Likes and comments! Receiving all of your comments is a great motivating factor and spurs me on to try new methods and ideas. Jeff- the idea of adding sails is a tantalising one. However, I've always avoided adding sails because it means that I haveto add a lot more running rigging and, quite frankly, that scares me! I have enough of a hard time just doing what I do. In fact, after having built miniature versions of HMS Victory. Bounty and Lennox, all of which have three masts with masses of rigging, just the thought of more rigging is enough to send me to therapy. So, in Ingomar's case, I think her sails are neatly stored below decks! Thanks for your thoughts, though. All the best, everyone!
  9. Thanks for posting the photo, too, Gabriel. Michael has asked exactly the question I wanted to know as well. If you can show us, then I'd be most grateful. Many thanks
  10. Hey AON Gotta say, I'm really enjoying seeing the effort and dedication you're putting into this ship. She's going to be a beauty once finished. All the best.
  11. Hi Gobi I'm seriously impressed! Your craftsmanship is amazing. Can you pls explain your method for building the frames? All the best and I look forward to following along.
  12. Hi Matt I'm really impressed by your Victory! I love it. Thanks, also for your kind words in my Ingomar log. They're greatly appreciated. I also tried to visit your Brittania log, but, unfortunately, most of the photos are unavailable for viewing! Perhaps a technical glitch. Nonetheless, seeing your mini-builds are inspiring. Great work.
  13. Hi Kees. Good luck with this build. I've got no doubt that with you building it, it'll be a beauty! All the best.
  14. Hi everyone. Ingomar's construction is nearing an end. This has been a very enjoyable and challenging ship to build. I hope I've made Hereshoff proud! Ok, so, the bits that I've just completed are the railings on the stanchions and the boarding ladder. I've added more rigging and a red cove stripe to highlight the sheer line, as well as gluing the boarding ladder onto the hull. Things still to do are very minor, but include finishing the davits, completing the simulated blocks in the rigging and hanging the three ships boats. Hope you enjoy the photos. All the best!
  15. Hi Cristiano. It's been a while since I last visited your build log. I must admit that I'm stunned at how much work you've been able to do. Your ship looks magnificent, full of charachter and charm. The fact that she is also an unusual subject makes your model even more special and unique. Seriously well done. Look forward to following along. All the best!
  16. Hi David. She's certainly coming along very nicely. You must be very pleased! Happy building!
  17. Hi Popeye. Looks great, as always. Will you be fitting RC to these boats?
  18. Hi Popeye. When I read the word "staples", I couldn't think what that had to with building a ladder, until I saw your photo. Ingenious technique! Sorry to hear that it didn't work out, though. Nonetheless, it certainly has given me some ideas on how to build a ladder if I needed to in the future. For what it's worth, the wooden one looked great, as well. Overall, a great build and I'm enjoying seeing your Andrea Gail coming together. All the best!
  19. Hi all. Thanks Steve, Bob, Piet and everyone for your Likes and comments. Ingomar's rigging continues. However, tonight, I was mucking around with the camera and accidentally took a silhouette shot. Didn't look too bad, I thought; so I ended up taking a few more. Anyhow, here's what Ingomar looks like when you're chasing shadows! All the best, everyone!
  20. Hi Chris. It's easy to make a mistake like that. The question is whether you will rectify it, or leave it as it is. It'd certainly make it unique, if you left it as it is.
  21. Wow! That's coming along really nicely. The skeg really gives the hull purpose and definition. I'm definitely looking forward to following along. Well done.
  22. Hi David This is the first time I've been able to check your log. I'm suitably impressed! Well done and I'll keep looking for your updates. Happy building.
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