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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Pete. I was wondering how you were going to tackle the planking under the stern where the rudder post is. Looks like it came out really well. Full steam ahead, now.
  2. Thanks DSiemens and MTaylor. Your words of enciuragement are greatly appreciated. Thanks and all the best!
  3. Ok, ok, ok...I keep coming back to the early photos on Page 1 of this log and I still can't get my head around the fact that these models are built from card! Truly magnificent work, Firdajan. I'm learning so much from builds such as yours, especially how clean and precise the hull planking using foils have turned out. Really top stuff. All the best.
  4. Hi David, Elmer, Pete, Cap'N'Bob and others. Thanks for stopping by and enjoying Ingomar's progress. David, it's winter here and, of course the flu season as well. Despite having had my flu jab at work, it didn't stop me from still getting sick. Anyhow, without asking you for too many details, I trust that you are taking every precaution to stay away from the many germ-laden people during your flu seasons. Pete and Cap'N'Bob, thanks also for sharing your builds as they have been very informative and enjoyable. I'm especially looking forward to the completion of your Lettie G Howard's masting and rigging, Cap'N'Bob. Elmer-thanks and all the best! Happy modelling everyone.
  5. Hi Michael. Truly magnificent and the colours set it off beautifully. Incidentally, do you have any idea how much she weighs now and how much ballast is required to get her to sit at her waterline? Also, it's interesting to see how small your stand is, because it only cradles a small portion of the actual hull. Are/where there any issues with the hull potentially toppling over, or, is she nice and secure in it? Just curious. I'm really looking forward to the rigging and then sailing. All the best!
  6. Thanks Pete. By the way, those photos of your boat on the Completed Gallery section look a treat! Well done.
  7. Hi everyone. Hope you're all doing well. Progress has been slow this past week or so, as I've been off sick with dreaded flu. Tonight is the first chance I've had to work on the Owner's Cabin, which is a relief because I'd missed working on the boat due to the flu. Anyhow, the following photos show my versions of a writing bureau (with the lid to the bureau folded down, exposing the interior) as well as a full height double cupboard, complete with shelves on one side and a full height hanging compartment on the other side. I've pictured them alongside an Aussie 20 cent coin to show you how tiny it is. Please don't be put off by the "furriness" of the finish of the wood. They have yet to be sanded and cleaned up. Once done, they'll look a lot cleaner and nicer. Anyhow, hope you enjoy the rest of your weekends! All the best.
  8. Hi Pete. I'm really looking forward to the planking! That's, afterall, when everything starts coming together. I can't remember if you've specified already, but will KA6 have a varnished hull or painted? Either way, it'll look pretty darn terrific! All the best.
  9. Hi Pete. Kate looks absolutely fabulous on the water. I'm glad to hear that she tracked beautifully through the water, as that's a sign of a well built balanced hull and sail plan. It seemed like you picked the right day to sail her as well, with near perfect conditions. All in all, then, you must be very happy. Well done and all the best!
  10. Hi Nils. Gotta say that your Pegasus is truly amazing! Look forward to seeing more of her.
  11. Hi Bensid54 Good luck with your new build. The experience you've gained from the first model should be invaluable. Will you still complete the first model for display purposes? All the best.
  12. Hi Pete. Very, very nice. How do you manage to spend so much uninterrupted time on your build? Are you lucky enough to be on annual leave, or maybe early retirement? Either way, I envy you because time spent doing something you really enjoy is definitely time well spent! As for KA6, well, she's looking really good. Do you think that you can really stop at just the hull? You could be tempted to sail her; once you see how well Kate sails...what do you think??? All the best.
  13. Hi Nils Absolutely brilliant workmanship. The quality and precision of the details that you've built into your ship is amazing. All the best.
  14. Fantastic. It'd be great to see Kate under sail! Look forward to the photos.
  15. Hi Emer and Yvesvidal and everyone else. Many thanks for your Likes and encouragement. All the best!
  16. Very, very nice Pete. Won't be long now, before she hits the water. Do you have a name for her yet?
  17. Hi Nils I've finally been able to catch up on your build log. Unbelievable work, detail and craftsmanship. A true credit to you and you should be damn proud of yourself. Look forward to more photos as work progresses. All the best.
  18. Hi Pete. Nice thought, but I'm looking at something like another dockyard style model of a three masted warship to keep me off the streets!
  19. Hi Pete. Thanks for that. What a sad ending for a boat that's, in some ways, every bit as famous as KA6. Liberty would make a good subject for your next model. Hint?
  20. Hi Michael. That's one unbelievable build you've got there. I definitely echo the words of all the others...great pics, great event and what a wonderful way to get kids away from the computer and into model building. Also, I'm with Sven. It's almost as if all you need is to paint a weathered waterline and then the ship would be complete; with it's own charm and character; as if it's been a working boat all it's life. This is going to be one hell of an impressive site on the water, irrespective of whether you put RC gear in it, or just make it a free sailer. Can't wait for the pics.
  21. Hi Mike. Now I understand! Thanks. I've been building models most of my life and this is the first time I've heard of a timbering kit. But then again, I often say that I'm a bit thick, but happy to learn new tricks! I still reckon that what you've set out to do is one hell of a challenge and a great deal of fun. Looking forward to following your log. Thanks and all the best!
  22. Hi Mike. Great start on what looks like a beautiful ship. Can you pls clarify for me ( sorry if this sounds like a stupid question), but are you modifying a kit to build the Cromwell, or are you building entirely from scratch using plans from someone else's kit? Either way, 11.5 kgs of wood is serious stuff!!! I'll definitely be following along with interest. All the best and kind regards.
  23. Pete- gotta admit, that I can't wait to see KA6 come to life. I too, have seen her at the Fremantle Maritimpe Museum and she is certainly every bit the holy grail of yachts; just as much as the Americas Cup, itself. Would you know whatever happened to Liberty? Is she in a Museum somewhere in the US, perhaps?
  24. Hi Everyone Michael Mott, Pete48, Dgbot and JMaitri, etc. Many thanks for your compliments and encouragement. The Ingomar was certainly a beautiful ship in comparison to some of today's modern thoroughbred racing machines (with the exception of examples such as Australia II, which was indeed beautiful). There's just something about the charm, beauty and grace that designers like Hereshoff, Olin Stephens, William Fife, etc were able to build into their designs, that today's naval architects just can't seem to replicate. I guess that's why boats such as the Buzzard Bay yacht and the magnificent cutter that you are building, Michael, hold such fascination for me. Anyhow, thanks all, and enjoy the rest of your weekends!!
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