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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Hi folks Thanks to everyone for their Likes and comments! Greatly appreciated. As you can see for the following photos, I've now been able to make some progress on Shadow's hull. This consisted of adding the longitudinal stringers and vertical frames onto the balsa plug, thus creating the framework of the hull. Once planked, I'll release the hull from the balsa plug, with the result being a nice strong hull...well, hopefully anyway. Wish me luck! All the best and enjoy your weekends. Cheers Patrick
  2. Hi Piet Good to hear that you're still up and about, albeit preoccupied with gardening and other tasks. I'm also saddened to hear about your friend's cancer. I will hope and pray that things work out in her favour. On a brighter note, I can safely say that the lion's face is looking great. I don't know how you're going to do it, but I'm sure you're going to do it justice! It'd bamboozle me if I had to try that level of carving complexity. All the best! Cheers Patrick
  3. Hi Ben - many thanks! I learnt a lot from the lessons you gave me whilst I was shaping Majellan's hull. Great advice and I'm glad that you reckon it looks okay. Hi Jack -most definitely there's room available. Welcome and take a seat! Hi John Thanks for your compliments! I hope you can stick around and take a seat! Hi Mike - you're most welcomed to sit and enjoy the ride! Hi Carl - many thanks! What'd life be without a few challenges here and there! Keeps life 'spicy'. Please take a seat and enjoy the journey. Have a great week everyone and thanks to everyone who hit the Like button. Cheers Patrick
  4. Hi Denis Bit by bit, Syborn's coming to life. The ladder's looking great, as does the work you've done on the hold. I'm looking forward to seeing what's next on your list. Whatever it is, I'm sure it's gonna look fantastic. All the best! Patrick
  5. Hi Nils Great to hear from you! Welcome to Shadow's journey. Please pull up a chair and enjoy the voyage! Cheers Patrick
  6. Thanks Greg Perth to Sydney sure is a long way! I hope that everyone onboard has a good time, because, like you said above, I'm sure going to have a good time building Shadow. Thanks and all the best! Take care. Cheers Patrick
  7. Thanks Piet!!! I'm not sure that I can do the warrior artwork, but, I can sure do the chairs and umbrellas !!! Your seat's warmed and ready to go. Cheers Patrick
  8. Hi Frank. Thanks and welcome aboard, too. I do doubt that I'll beat you, though! Cheers Patrick
  9. Hi Mark - Many thanks. Welcome to Shadow's journey! Hi Vaddoc - Welcome on board, too. But, why wait from the back row? There's a seat waiting for you at the front! All the best, guys! Cheers Patrick
  10. Thanks Ben! Just a few minor tweaks and improvements. Nothing major, but it's stuff that needs to get done, to truly finish her off. BTW - my new boat, Shadow, has just been started. You're most welcomed to join her journey via her Build Log. Cheers Patrick
  11. Hi BDGiantman2 You're most welcomed and thanks for joining in Shadow's journey! All aboard! Cheers Patrick
  12. Hi Igor Many thanks and yep, your seat is definitely reserved! Cheers Patrick
  13. Hi everyone Well, my current project, Majellan, is nearing completion, but, I've been itching to get started on her BIG sister, 'Shadow'. Shadow is based upon an actual mega-yacht called "Mary Jean II", which can be found at http://www.isayachts.com/ISA_60m_CLASSIC#60m. My model will, in my customary fashion, be fully detailed inside with all of her five decks reproduced (well...as much as realistically possible, of course). Each deck will be fully removable in order to enable the interior to be viewed; in much the same way as Majellan's are. Also, as you can see from one of the photos, Shadow looks like a giant compared to Majellan, even though Shadow's hull is only one inch longer, i.e. 8 inches, as opposed to 7 inches for Majellan's hull. In terms of Shadow's hull's construction, I will use the balsa mould of the hull as the base to bend the frames upon. Once all the frames are bent, I'll the plank over the framework to create the hull...well...that's the plan, anyway. I hope you can join me on Shadow's journey!!!!
  14. Gotta love the shots with all the sails set. Really nice, Igor! Cheers Patrick
  15. I'm sorry, Frank, but all I can see when I look at your photos is 'care and attention, precision and craftsmanship, detail and symmetry'.... Mmmm, me thinks I've run out of superlatives! Damn, it's no wonder I always enjoy your updates. Have a great weekend! Cheers Patrick
  16. Hi Jim Thanks for sharing the vid. It was marvellous to watch! Cheers Patrick
  17. Hi Jond It's lovely to see you getting back to finishing this big beauty of a boat. Without a doubt your attention to detail is top notch and the inclusion of a crewman scrambling around the rigging is wonderful. Will you be building a glass case to protect her from dust and other gremlins? Cheers Patrick
  18. Hi Vaddoc Very nice start! It must be a good feeling to finally make some saw dust. The journey begins...! I'm looking forward to following along. Cheers Patrick
  19. Hi Igor Very nice work on those 'blocks'. Once again, you look like you're doing a top job on some pretty tricky bits and pieces. Well done! Cheers Patrick
  20. Hi Denis Very, very nice! I reckon soldering is another one of those masterful skills that you can add to your CV...along with all the others that you already have. Great job. Cheers Patrick
  21. Hi Bob Lovely work on the ladder. Once again your skills with metal work, especially brass, has shone through with flying colours! Nicely done. Cheers Patrick
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