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Everything posted by Omega1234

  1. Marvellous work, Kees. The LEDs will most certainly bring the ship to life. I'm looking forward to the photos/video once they're in. Cheers Patrick
  2. Hi everyone! Many thanks for all the comments and Likes! Tonight, as promised to Greg The Peg Leg Sailor, I've taken a couple of photos of the chairs in my hand. I've also done the dining chairs that go with the dining table in the main saloon...all eight of them. I hope you enjoy the following photos. Cheers Patrick
  3. Thanks Greg! I hope all's well with you and your family. Stay tuned and I'll post a few photos of the chairs in my giant hand! Thanks Denis!! Hi Nenad - Many thanks. All I can say is that ant-workers are looking pretty happy, at the moment! Hi Mark. Sorry to do that to ya! Tis fun working at this scale, though (well, for me, anyway!). Hi Carl. You're right! I actually put Majellan in the water the other day and, guess what? She very promptly sank!!!! Too heavy up top...Oh well.
  4. Hi Denis As an avid follower of this build log, there's no doubt that it's certainly been a roller coaster ride, and a truly enjoyable one for sure. I like where the Tree Boat's hull is heading. Of course, with the original hull, the bonus is that your Andrea Gail will now have a sister, as well. Nice! Cheers Patrick
  5. Hi Frank If I were you, I'd leave the starboard side completely unplanked. Why? Why cover up such beautiful and intricate work on the frames. Show it off, I say! But, that's just my opinion, of course... Cheers Patrick
  6. Hi Nenad Mighty fine job on the deadeyes. They look great. You must have the patience of an angel to do all of them. All the best. Cheers Patrick
  7. Hi Vaddoc Great to see you back at the drawing board. I was beginning to wonder where you were at with the design work, but, as can be seen from your update, you're well and truly on your way. I can only wish you good luck with the stern post! All the best! Patrick
  8. Hi everyone Progress has been a bit slow this week for a variety of reasons, but nevertheless, I've made the two wooden doors which lead from Majellan's main deck into the main saloon. They're tiny, so I don't know how easily you'll be able to see them in the photos. Also, in the lower deck, I've done the staircase which leads from that deck through to the main deck's saloon. Again, it's hard to see, but here goes anyway. All the best everyone! Cheers Patrick
  9. Hi Nils Wow! Nils, that third photo taken from the bow looks mighty fine! Then, of course, there's the planking which can be laborious to do, but oh, so worthwhile once done. Nice! Cheers Patrick
  10. ...just keep doing it the way you want to, Mehmet. Only you have the vision of how you want it to turn out, so I'd say just go for it. Looks great to me, that's for sure. Cheers Patrick
  11. Hi Bill I hope the hand is not too serious and that it mends well. I'm sure we'll all be waiting for your return to the shipyard. All the best! Cheers Patrick
  12. Hey Carl Many thanks!!! Nice to have you drop by, but, please promise me that you won't lurk in the shadows anymore. After all, I really value your comments (as I do for everyone else's, as well). Stay well and I hope your new IT business is going well. Cheers and all the best Patrick
  13. Hi Frank That's a hell of a lot of clamps, which no doubt will do the trick. I'm really enjoying seeing what you're up to...and, to think that this is only the second ship you've built. Damn marvellous workmanship, I say! Onwards to the next post on the viewing port! Cheers Patrick
  14. Can't argue with that, Keith. She's a beauty, for sure. Cheers Patrick
  15. Hi Mehmet Oh heck, that's really nice work! I can almost picture her at sea now. Cheers Patrick
  16. Hi Denis OMGeeeeeeee! That's a lot of work, even for just a couple of weeks! All I can say is, "I'm looking forward to this one". All the best. Cheers Patrick
  17. Hi Kees Like the other's have said, my thoughts are with your best health as well. Take care. Cheers Patrick
  18. Yep, thanks Denis! Nothing like a good old pillow fight. Great for getting the frustrations out! All the best. Cheers Patrick
  19. That's made a huge difference. Nice!
  20. Nice job! WouldI be right in thinking that she's now going at a more realistic scale speed than before, or, is that just my imagination? Cheers Patrick
  21. Thanks FNick! I'm kinda addicted to small models; not just because they take less room to display them in, but, there's also something mesmerising about holding a finely crafted ship in the palm of your hand Hi Frank - I have actually been thinking about the towels, but couldn't really see how to do them realistically. Your idea about the lead foil may just work. Thanks! Cheers Patrick
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