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Everything posted by MrBlueJacket

  1. Notice how the deck furniture placement is rastered into the deck - saves a lot of measuring!
  2. When the centerboard is down, the eye is close to the deck. When the centerboard is up, the eye is of course much further up as well. Nic
  3. So here's the main top yard installed And a close-up of the twin chain halyards that hold it up.
  4. Nice to put a face to the name...................Hello Rob - you don't look like your signature photo at all
  5. Very artistic. I love natural wood like that, and the cantilever is visually interesting. Nice walk-around video, too. Nic
  6. Excellent job! Is that a piece of driftwood I see at the base? Nice touch.
  7. All the lower lifts are complete. Now working on the top yards. Here is the main finished, and a roughed out fore top yard.
  8. We carry a book of the Red Jacket that is pretty comprehensive. Paintings of her maiden voyage show both 4 sails and 5 sails on the masts. Here are some shots from the book: Book cover Sail plan: Dimensions of masts and yards: Oil painting sailing into Liverpool maiden voyage:
  9. Thanks Rob, I've had a sinus infection that had me down for several days. 3 other people at BlueJacket are sick (none Corona-V). All the lower lifts are done, and I'm working on the top yards.
  10. Very nice build. I will put a note in your customer file that you will get a 10% discount on the next kit you buy from us! And if some readers don't know, that is BlueJacket's standing offer when you do and finish a build thread on one of our kits. Nic
  11. The chain slings for the yards are protected from chafing around the mast by being wrapped in leather, like the main stay etc. I wrapped the chain in paper towel soaked with Elmer's and painted it after it dried with wood-color paint.
  12. Funny you should mention it - Here's the first yard mounted. I took a week off to do a repair job. Nic
  13. Old modeling phrase: "Putty and paint..... Makes it look like what it ain't"
  14. I see you already have!
  15. Start a build thread on your 1:96 America. When you finish, you will qualify for a 10% discount on the next kit you buy from us. Nic
  16. Check page 7 - my post of Oct 9th about 1/2 way down - shows the template included in the kit to set the mast rake. It's not much, but was different for each mast.
  17. The plans show an actual cap - photo of our gallery model also shows a cap. Fabricate from 3/32 basswood, and Britannia strip for the band.
  18. This photo (from left to right) Finished main yard, partly done fore yard, and roughed out mizzen.
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