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Everything posted by MrBlueJacket

  1. Yes, it was only one more round of primer/putty. Here's a shot of the rudder and sternpost, and the rudder hole drilled into the hull.
  2. Filled in with auto glazing putty and sanded it down. Hopefully only one more round of primer and putty?
  3. So now the bulwarks are in, a coat of bondo applied to the gaps in the joint and sanded, and a quick shot of primer to highlight the "discrepancies"
  4. Andy - I think you are doing a good job. Remember the old quote: "Putty and paint, makes it look like it ain't" TeeHee Nic
  5. I have been following this build and am amazed at the level of detailing you have done - GOOD JOB! Makes me proud to give you the platform to follow your goal. Nic
  6. Hull sanded down. I always use a sanding block to get a smooth surface. Just using 80 grit for now, but after the next round of primer and putty, will switch to about 150 grit.
  7. Used the Dremel sanding drum to thin out the bulwarks. After I put in the plywood pieces, I will thin some more. Luckily, the Forecastle decking will hide most of that space.
  8. Nice job. As I promised, there is a note in your customer file for 10% off your next kit purchase.
  9. While at a Maine Made show in Bangor, I came across a guy who cuts trees into 1/2 inch slabs for cutting boards. I thought that one of them would make a great baseboard for the trawler. Here it is:
  10. A coat of primer, then an application of red oxide auto putty, then sand. After that, repeat at least once more.
  11. *sigh* another application of Bondo. But finally, it is starting to look like it should.
  12. Here we are starting to sand down the Bondo And after it is sanded down, you can see where the knuckle rises up on the sides. It's not supposed to do that.
  13. The stern has a pronounced "knuckle" which I lost during the sanding. So, I have to build it up with some Bondo.
  14. I have used it before when fiber-glassing an R/C plane, and didn't have any problems. It seems to be sticking quite well here, too.
  15. Although I tried to get out as many wrinkles as I can, it is not critical. When primed and sanded, the wrinkles will disappear. Any small irregularities will be puttied over.
  16. So the bulwarks are on, and it is time to strengthen the soft balsa wood. I decided to use MinWax Polycrylic and silkspan. Here a section being applied.
  17. Looking good....like I said, the power tool helps a lot in the stern where the material of the carving tool mounting lug needs to be removed.
  18. I have to chuckle a bit - older perceptions are sometimes different from reality. BlueJacket makes 78 model kits, and only 30 of them are solid hull, 12 are cast resin, 3 are plank on frame, and the rest are plank on bulkhead.
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