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Everything posted by MrBlueJacket

  1. Here's the decking applied.Main and poop are glued in, Forecastle is just placed in, needs trimming.
  2. I also have to carve out a notch to fit the bowsprit. I cut the sides of the notch with a razor saw, and used the chisel blade in my Xacto handle. Slow going, but not difficult.
  3. In my working on the Red Jacket, I neglected to sand in the deck camber before I put the bulwarks on. So now I have 3 choices: 1- ignore it 2- rip the bulwarks out 3- get creative. I can't do #1 because the laser-cut deckhouses have the curvature cut into the bottoms already. As for #2 - NO WAY JOSE ! So I got creative, and made a spine and ribs to the 3/32 camber. I made sure the ribs supported the deckhouse edges, fiferails, and mast locations. I think it will work just fine. tapering the ribs is much easier than trying to sand the entire deck, anyway.
  4. Yes, we will. As with all our kit pieces, they will be available individually. It will probably take some weeks to get them going.
  5. I'm sure it would. You would have to mark the two edge rails and glue the battens to them, that's all.
  6. And guess what? IT WORKED! So well, in fact, that we will be adding this into the three kits we offer that have battens (Pauline, Bowdoin, and Notman)
  7. So the rigging is done, and it's time to add the battens to the port shrouds. Now, that's a job I don't particularly like. After attaching hundreds of them on the Charles Notman, I decided to try something new and novel. Why not laser cut the battens at the correct spacing, and leave a support strip on each side? That way you have a single piece, correctly spaced, that you can glue to the shrouds. When the glue dries, all you have to do is snip off the excess, and you have perfectly spaced battens the easy way!
  8. We do have shot for the kit, ( 2 sizes I think) but because it is a kit specific part, it is not on the web. You can call and request it, however. Nic
  9. Moving on, the gallows are attached. Check out the just visible inside of the companionway door - I'm kinda proud of that detail.
  10. Living in Maine, I invite you to come visit our shop and gallery in Searsport, outside Belfast. Nic
  11. Starting to put it all together now. Added registration numbers, everything you see is glued down. What's left is the gallows, fish racks, rigging, and fish nets.
  12. Someone just pointed out to me that I neglected to tell people HOW to sign up. It's not on the web, so you either have to send a letter, fax, or call us. 800-448-5567 Please do NOT send an email with your cc information.
  13. MAY 20TH THROUGH THE 24TH 2019 (MON-FRI) BlueJacket's rigging class is a popular event. We run it from 9 to 3 for 5 days (although some people leave early on Friday.) IT IS A CLASS FOR NOVICES. We don't assume you know anything about rigging a ship model. All tools and materials are provided with the class fee of $400. You get a hull to work on, all the sticks and dowels, the glue, blocks, deadeyes, threads, wire, beeswax, and the following tools: Excel hobby knife and blades Pin Vise Assortment of drill bits tweezers needle nose pliers flush cutters cuticle scissors (best for clipping rigging) and probably some other things I forgot If you use magnifiers for your modeling work, you should bring them. By the end of the class you will have learned how to use the tools, tie a multitude of various knots, and will have completed what you see in the picture below: You can see shrouds, backstays, bobstays, gammoning, vangs, topping lift, ratlines, hearts, throat halyard, peak halyard, sheet tackle on a traveler, lifts, braces, forestays, etc. Obviously, we don't waste a lot of time to make the model look pretty! We want to concentrate on the rigging. At the end of the class, BlueJacket will ship your model and materials to your home, again all part of the tuition cost. Monday will include a pizza party for lunch and a behind the scenes tour of the BlueJacket facility. In addition, all students will receive a 10% discount on anything they buy during that week. Kits, tools, books, gift items, you name it! The hours of 9-3 are flexible, we have the hotel conference room available 24 hours a day for the week. If you bring a family member, the 3:00 PM cutoff lets you do some sightseeing around the area. But if you need to catch up a bit, the room is yours! Classes will be at the Fireside Inn in Belfast, 4 miles from BlueJacket on Route 1, tel# 207-338-2090. You can ask for the BlueJacket corporate rate if you choose to stay there. There is a pool and Jacuzzi, exercise room, a decent breakfast bar, and all rooms have an excellent view of Penobscot Bay. If you are the camping type, Searsport Shores is also nearby. Class is limited to 12 people with payment in advance. Full refund up to 2 weeks before, 50% refund up to 1 week before. Unfortunately, cancellation less than a week in advance cannot be refunded except by extreme circumstances, which we reserve the right to determine.
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