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Everything posted by MrBlueJacket

  1. BlueJacket's kit of the Young America was 39 inches long, at a scale of 1/8" = 1' It was discontinued around 1980.
  2. In putting on the rub rail, I was unhappy with my work around the stern, so I ripped it out to re-do it. I hate it when that happens.......
  3. Jon, Fantastic! You prove once again that a model kit is just a rough canvas for the imagination of the modeler. When you're done, I will definitely be asking you for photos and comments to make it a "model of the month" in my newsletter. Nic
  4. I think you did an excellent job, and your build thread will be very useful to others.
  5. Now I mounted the hull on the workboard. Ready to start all the deck furniture. Really coming along quite nicely!
  6. Of course you can always call me up. I've added this build to the list of people who will get 10% off their next build when completed! Nic
  7. So I finally bit the bullet and taped off the hull and painted the green. Next will come masking the waterline and painting the anit-fouling red.
  8. Here's the companionway and the gallows getting painted. The gallows will stay grey, and the companionway will be white.
  9. And its time to drill the keel and get the model mounted before doing any more finishing, just in case I have to make surgery to mount it. luckily, it mounted just fine on the workboard.
  10. Next step is fitting the rudder to the sternpost. The plans call for tapering the sternpost a bit, then tapering the back edge of the rudder as well.
  11. In the meantime, built the propane tank, X-band radar, and muffler/exhaust as well as painting the pilot house.
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