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Everything posted by DanO

  1. J , I am following your build as after quite some time I am getting back to my Conny , a ship I have loved for the better part of my 74 years . Thank you for all of the info and efforts you have made to show your progress Dan Doyle DanO
  2. Jay, You are doing such a great job and only wish that I had more time to follow. Be well Dan
  3. Wood is such a precious commodity which comes in all shapes sizes and species from the simpilest bounty of pine to the rare Huanghuali. What is done with these woods is in the eyes and mind of the beholder. To look at something in its raw state and see the beauty of a finished piece is truly a God given talent for which we are not all blessed, I included, but it does not mean that I am incapable of appreciating the their artistry. Every piece of wood which I have for modeling has come from a kit or supplier but this does not mean that i have to defend my source of aquisition nor will I do so. Dan
  4. The concept of harvesting, curing and shaping of ones own wood is very admirable for those who have this ability and there are many rewards for doing so. First there is the knowledge which is gained concerning the different woods as to properties such as grain and other attraibutes. Second is the total start to end story which can be related to the finished product. As for the tools they are the choice of the modeler based on ones budget. There are those who order, receive, and create models and those who truly start from scratch. I feel that both approaches should be applauded for they have a basic goal and that is to produce a finished product which represents their labor of love. Dan
  5. Jay, There are so many historical gaps with Conny I believe that it is virtually imposible to represent her at any one period of time, specifically her early days, for I believe changes were made to accomodate her function as a superior fighting machine and not documented for what was important was survival at the time rather than historical documentation. Of course the exception are the most recent changes which were not done to get her ready for war. The Museum has a research center which is available on an appointment basis if one wishes to do more historical research but I believe that there are many dead ends there based on my previous comment. I believe that I mentiones earlier the work of Gene Bodnar based on Marquardts book which created a great sectional model which the museum had purchased. He found errors, especialling in the scailing of the different sections, but moved on without getting distracted and I personally feel that this is the best way to go. I am adding a few comments I found as they relate to the 1927 restoration which may help in making a point and even then what they did was based on assumptions rather than fact, in my humble opinion. Dan
  6. Jay, A photo I took in 2009 of the stove area. Dan
  7. Jay, Are you going to include the television on the table in the crews lounge? LOL Dan
  8. I do not know if this will be helpful with the gun powder magazine issue, if not the referance may help Dan
  9. Looking great. Now I will have to check out page by page and going back to #1 really like the fillers between the bulkheads. Dan
  10. Tom, I am going to get a larger fan for the garage so that I can get back to my Conny. You are an inspiration to the old guy. As for the gun deck I have not seen anyone bash the kit as you have which requires a lot of research and patience Dan
  11. When I open my CD it has 13 sections one of which is drain and that is where I found the info. I do not remember when I got it but do know that it was prior to 2012 and had to order directly from the Naval Detachment by sending them a letter of request and a check. I had heard that they stoped offering this service and was under the impression that the one in the store was exactly the same and appears that I guessed wrong. They all had a .mil and I had to download that reader in order to print out. Sorry if this turned out to be a tease but will help out wherever I can. Dan
  12. Jay, The CD I have was broken down into chapters or rather sections which I printed and had spiral bound individually for i can get easily confused with a huge stack of paper. The area where I found the above was in the Drain section No 24402, Berth and Gun decks, and No 24403, Orlop and Hold, are the reference #s As for the reference #s on the photos those are mine as I took pictures of the pages and went with what the camera come up with, I should have renamed. When I find the CD I will double check where it is there. Dan
  13. Jay, Some years ago I had aquired a CD from the Naval Attachement assigned to USS Constitution which is now available through their book store. http://museumstore.navyhistory.org/CD-Constitution-Plans-p/618.htm I found it to contain a wealth of information for a meager $15.00. Dan
  14. Jay , I have done a little more reasearch and found the attached on a plan from 07/02/1931 'Drainage, Flooding, Fresh Water, and sanitary piping" 0930 Orlop 0929 Berth 0928 Gun Hope this helps Dan
  15. Jay, Attache is a photo of the pump from a different angle. I took this in 2010. Also have been doing some research from the info I have to see when it first showed up but at this point to no avail. Dan
  16. Jay, I am really digging back into the memory banks on this one but at one time within the past ten years there was a person who set out to build a complete model based totally on Marquardt's Book. There were many who basically told him not to do it for according to them it was a work of fiction. I had followed the build for quite some time and the builder plugged along and ended up with a great finished product. I do remember that on more than one ocassion he had to rescale for the book was not consistent in that area. One of these days the dust will clear of that part of my memory and I will share. It may have been here prior to the crash. Be well Dan PS: I found the gentleman on the model ship builder forum, caddman6425. Just a side issues and apologize for going off onto a tangent. Also http://www.modelshipbuilder.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?1405.0 a model which is at the USS Constitution Museum
  17. So what does an old guy do on a Sunday afternoon when it is too hot to work in the garage on his Conny which is screaming for attention. Well he takes the time to read 12+ pages concerning a USS Constitution vros section which is being built with a great deal of research and expertise by the name of Jay. Jay, I have been totaly taken away by your work and research and, and along with many others who have already stated so, thank you so much for sharing this build and will now begin checking in everyday. Bw well Dan
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