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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. Don't think I will bother with rotors - might just stick her in the bottom of my cabinet like she is. OC.
  2. Evening all, Well that Gremlin has struck again - First I wiped down my wokka then tried to remove any dust from it (kind of worked) then I set up my spray booth and compressor/airbrush, I work close to our back door in our living room for ventilation as the acrylic paint still kicks out some vapour, any way I mixed some of my Ammo Lucky Acrylic flat and started sparying over - in a misting style at first, I then dried it with the dryer between coats, I must have filled the airbrush bowl about Eight times, the trouble was the decals were been akward and not flatting down. All the flat coat started to pool - not in a running fashion but creating a gravely surface, so I decided to stop at that point - put the airbrush away and the booth, and examine the wokka. So I thought trying a wet rag over it might help to smooth out the rough areas - yep it did but took too much off and made the whole thing a mix of very flat and shiny with most of the decals back to being shiny. I decided to just put it down to experience and make it look like a well used machine - so I started un - masking her, second gremlin arrived - dust on the inside of every piece of galzing (It looks terrible). So its being scrappped, the only thing that can be gained from it - some airbrush experince. Thats Two aircraft kits on the bounce that have gone this way. Gonna stick to my waterloo figures I think and that M1 I still have to build. OC.
  3. That looks Amazing Chris - so much skill in doing that - and must be delicate hand work not to dent/crush the side - Superb work. OC.
  4. I was working it out - its my Silver Tenth Anniversary as a member in our Precious Forum this month, I signed up in the mk1 one MSW before the crash building the part works Di Agostini HMS Vic and got a fair way with the hull before the crash. My sig photo is one of the small boats from the build. OC.
  5. Thank you so much Craig, yes I know I should have sprayed a gloss coat over it before the decs - reason I didn't - I havn't got any, but I am sure they will blend in with the flat coats. OC.
  6. I agree with Mark mate - excellent weathering work - really looks spot on. OC.
  7. Excellenty done mate - not the easiest of things to do from scratch. OC.
  8. Evening all, right the decaling is finished ok its silvered a wee bit going ontop of a flat surface, but a few flat coats sprayed over should hide that and kill the shine from the decs, the rear walkway ones got several coats of micro sol and settled down quite nice, so next job after letting the decals adhere is to spray the flat coats on. OC.
  9. Evening all, more progress on this - I assembled / painted and fitted the Six wheels, then next stage is to fit the decals before adding the last of the delicate parts, some of the decals have to adhere to some curves - so I have used quite a lot of Micro Set then Sol to get them to settle down - always a nervous stage seeing them crinkle up while they are shrinking down. OC.
  10. Dont know if you have the link to Bovington? but here is the link - https://tankmuseum.org/ OC.
  11. Another excellent build and another one for you to get your eyes on when you visit the Tank Museum at Bovington, here is theirs - OC.
  12. Just keep at your own pace - back off if you need to - main thing (with all of us) is to enjoy it - also think we discover things about our abilities as we go along. Keep at it mate - is a credit to you. OC.
  13. Evening all, some more progress tonight - I pulled the rear ramp masking off and painted the rear leg area and the edging then added a bit of wash, next I painted and fitted the Two engine exhausts. OC.
  14. That looks lovely Dan - what a great combinations of fine painting and panel lines. OC.
  15. Thank you kindly Alan, yep I'm quite pleased how it turned out. OC.
  16. "I'm Back" So after putting my Hawk on the back boiler - I decided to have another bash on this, if you remember I was struggling with rattle can painting it, so I decided to give it a bash with my airbrush, I mixed up some Nato Green in my airbrush cup with 50% water and started several coats all over my wokka, drying it before turning over to paint the bottom. When finished I also sprayed the tail gate. Think it has painted up quite well.
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