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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. Thinking - did you get the wood deck - did yours have Two seperate boat deck pieces? what you could do (if you have the Two) attach your PE vents first then prime/paint the deck/vents then fit the first section of decking - then you could use the second piece of matching deck to act as a mask by laying it over the first one and spray the fittings, I discovered myself that I had Two secions of the same decking. OC.
  2. Evening all, more progress with the same section, I have added the Hacs units and the gunnery direction finder (that is pointed in the direction from when she was engaing Bismark) the assembly housing the finder is just dry fitted for now. OC.
  3. I have decided my best action is to shrink myself 700 times to attempt to pull off this piece of magic, just hope I will be able to pick up the massive wand to magic myself back again. OC.
  4. I use this for any wood work or scenery and even attaching wood veneer decking - Gorilla Wood Glue | Water Resistant PVA Strong Fast Bond Non Foaming Adhesive OC.
  5. Hi all, I never got round to showing you all the PE instructions - take a seat and hold your breath..... OC.
  6. Thank you kindly Roger, that rough looking starwell gap was from one of the damaged ladders, but it will be hidden with another level so I am not too worried about it, with the mushroom vents - one thing you could try (does PE Brass stick to magnets) see where I going with that? or other wise do you have any double sided tape? you could place them on that and airbrush them. OC.
  7. Evening all, more work continues on the lower conning tower - added the signal lockers, a small block house, Two vent houses, direction finders and Two small signaling lamps - needs a bit of dusting a wee bit of sanding when the finders have set fully. OC.
  8. Hi Mark, I agree with all the rest - Yellow Ocre was the go to paint back in the day, so I am sure it will look really nice with that Blue and Black. Same message as the rest with your valve op - all the very very best to you mate. OC.
  9. Thank you kindly for explaining that Roger - it is an Excellent kit - just takes time and patience - it has made me reach the limit (or close tp it) of my modeling ability - how people can work at such small scales is amazing. With the wood deck I was told a trick with my other wood deck I put down in 1/350 scale - to use PVA glue thats been slightly watered down, as this helps the deck to slide into position and also dries along with the sticky glue, as I think other wise it will only take the very slightest out of position by a mill and it will go down in the wrong position - and bet it wont lift without tearing. OC.
  10. Eveining all, Two hours at the table with more work on the lower conning tower - Davits fitted (check) small wind breaks (check) Two Paravanes (check) and a block on the deck including a pole for the front mast (I assume) Its still dry fitted, as the sub assemlies will be painted before gluing down. OC.
  11. Some great stuff there Alan - my thinking with the dual turrets was if the two gunners fell out with each other they could just turn the turrets away from each other LOL, no seriously you did a nice job of it - love the paint work. And your ship kit - gonna look forward to that one. OC.
  12. Thank you so much Alan, its funny looking at it with my glasses and optovisor (full strength glass unit) or when zoomed in with the photo it looks scruffy to me, but when I view it just with my normal reading glasses - it doesn't look too bad. OC.
  13. I forgot to mention the rather untidy look of some of it is because I zoomed in about 20x to show the detail, at normal viewing you can hardly see the ladders/aerials etc, I will tidy it up more before I paint the sub assemblies. OC.
  14. Evening all, another couple of hours spent on little hood - I decided to attack that little block that is supposed to have some aerials attached to it - remember the PE versions was a disaster, so I decided to have a go with some wire I have, I drilled a hole both sides then cut the wire equal lengths and glued them in place with super glue, when dry I bent the ends up. I then cleaned up the end of the weather deck where that piece kept falling away. I also started work on the lower section of the front conning tower, this had two small supports and the PE ladders fitted. OC.
  15. Evening all, Bit of a step backwards - or rather not able to fit certain PE on the kit, I attempted to fit some very fiddly - bendy - delicate - thin - hard to pick up Aerials, some plan number two - scrap them and dont fit them, then while starting work on the front lower conning tower, I noticed a plastic part that had to be fitted both sides at the rear of the weather deck had come away, I found it and re glued it but the area will need a wee bit of light sanding when dry. OC.
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