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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. Adding to Marks advice I would also add with things like shovels etc wood handles and an oily steal for the blade - same with sledge Hammers etc. OC.
  2. Oh by the way - those seats are the rather excellent Wolfpack MK10s - they are as good as they look, right down to their belts. OC.
  3. A little bit of "sand it here - push it there" you are doing excellent Edward - they are sent to test us. OC.
  4. Evening all, I thought I would jump back on this for a bit - I have cleaned up the cockpit tub and fitted the control columbs, and cleaned up the PE side consols, I have dry fitted the Resin bang seats after removing some of the plastic rails on the floor of the tub (to make them fit better. I will be airbrusing my Black Primer to the assemblies before giving them there correct colours, I will also re paint the dials. OC.
  5. Well done Alan - she looks Superb mate - she needs a nice spot now so you can admire what you have done. OC.
  6. Those belts look so real Edward - think you have done an excellent job on them mate. OC.
  7. Evening all, a few "Nearly finished" photos - the radio aerials where made and glued in place, then I sparyed both rear jerry cans, then I airbrushed a few coats of flat over the top of both the hull and turret. OC.
  8. Evening all, well I decided to have a slight break from my Waterloo Dio - and get back on this as it needs a few finishing touches, I have made the Two Jerry can - they need spraying, I am also making the comms aerials out of some wire I brought a long time ago, I will also flat coat over it using my airbrush (any excuse just to use it)😁 Its a good break from my figure work as I looked at the next batch og KGL and thought to myself - infact said to the admiral "I am abit fed up of figure painting for now". OC.
  9. Evening all, some more good progress today, I took the bases off the figures I had painted, then got the farm on the table and worked out where they would be placed - the farms time zone I am going with is when the French had done their second attack on LHS and the 54th/55th Ligne had attempted to get in via the opening in the Barn (they then tried to get into the courtyard) some of the KGL were guarding the Barn doors while others raced the front gate to chase the French who inturn where being chased by the British Hussars. There is now over 50 KGL in there. OC.
  10. Oh just an add on - My airbrush would not work to start with tonight - its was blowing bubbles - so I stripped it down and found the needle had some stuck on primer and was not pulling back when I pressed the lever, so I cleaned it with some fluid on some cloth - reassembled it and it worked like a charm. Have to keep these things so clean especially with that primer. OC.
  11. I think it attacks us all Phil - and having another build is good to refresh the mind - and stops that kit-bin moment. OC.
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