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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. Thanks Ken, will have a look at doing a bit of weathering. OC.
  2. Thank you Alan, yep they are neat little things - very crisp detail. OC.
  3. Evening all, bit of an update on my Hawk - starting with what I thought was going to be a stop to my modeling as my light stopped working, the leed (very thin wires) where it meats the power block had broken away, and yep You guessed it the power block is a sealed type so I could not get into it, what I found out was the rubber protection gromet was able to be cut away revealing the Two wires about 8mm left showing, so I had just enough room to join them back by twisting and taping the super gluing with more tape wrapped around - its a temp mend but at least it got it working again. So - on with some modeling - I did some detail painting on the tub first adding black to the dials and side consols, then some detail dry brusing with alum, then both bang seats got - Green on the cushions, Brown for the straps and a Alum for the buckles, then the jstison handles got their Yellow and Black bands (fiddly) and a tiny bit of Yellow detail under the seat cushions. Might give them a was and some dry brushing not sure yet or leave them be? OC.
  4. I aint done a ship kit for ages, last one was a re hash of a Plastic 1/700 scale modern British destroyer, but I have a rather good one (a Flyhawk 1/700 scale HMS Hood) OC.
  5. She is looking superb - Its down to the hand of the builder that makes the difference, and Boy do we know about Corel's kits - kind of a great idea - rushed through with no quality control, that requires that bit more skill to make good. OC.
  6. Perhaps a Thre man job - inside either side of the breech the aimer and fire-er and a loader. OC.
  7. Loverly work EJ those ladders look superb and the idea behind that opposed ladders is a great idea. OC.
  8. A great looking build - so few good quality kits of these subjects - same with tank transporters. OC.
  9. Its great seeing you back on this my friend - what you are doing is amazing - when you push a build to show as much detail as possible goes far further than kit making, keep it up Kevin welcome back. OC.
  10. Excellent work of a very interesting subject, I built the Pearl with a crew in Plastic - check it out in my profile. OC.
  11. Thank you kindly Denis, there are some more 2nd KGL (Green Jackets) to be made to go in there yet. OC.
  12. Evening all, right I got my airbrush out and firstly my Vallejo Black primer went on, dried with the hair dryer - then a few light mid Grey coats went on - I am loving my airbrush. OC.
  13. Thanks Ken, its going to Black first with my primer - then some mid Grey. OC.
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