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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. As Jack said - its our yearly Bonfire Night - always a bad time for our dog as the banging really upsets her. OC.
  2. Evening all, some more progress done in between trying to settle our little pooch who was terriefied by all the Fireworks going off around us, poor thing was trying to find somewhere to hide - we had to have the TV volume way up to try to help. So It was Flaps time - they are positionable up or down, the flap actuation arms come in Two different shapes in the kit, I decided to make them dropped - bit fiddly getting them ligned up, but after a bit of adjustment - they are on. OC.
  3. Evening all, double tasking today - So I sanded the wing/fuselage join, then I fitted the airbrake assembly, and the tailplanes. OC.
  4. Evening all, Last stage of this build - I finshed making the tow ropes, these were fiddly little fellas as they are made of thread, this needed re-twisting then gluing to keep the shape, then the ends were glued, I then had to manufacture Two clips to hold them at the back - but was able to use the Two original ones from the kit (the other Two went missing). I then painted and weathered them. So I am calling this Finished. Sincere thanks to all the feedback and help encouragement with this build - it was a great model to build and am I looking forward to the M1 kit "oh yes deffo" So here are the last pics of it. OC.
  5. That is looking so nice Alan - that soft edge masking has come out spot on. OC.
  6. I think it must be that Terminator freezing type thing were the join can just be snapped clean off. OC.
  7. We have all been there Denis - I cant count the number of kits that were trashed when things went wrong for me - at least you was able to save it - and to be fair - I could not tell the mistake without you mentioning it - thats a credit to you for fixing it. OC.
  8. Thanks Mike, I think its all down to practice and getting to know what you can do with whats you have to hand. OC.
  9. Thank you kindly Mike, I have a wee bit more to do to it yet - might do another figure for it as I have the set. OC.
  10. Evening all, we bit of progress - the bird has wings - I started off painting/weathering the wheel wells, then the wing assemblies where contstructed, then glued in place, I tiny bit of putty in a hair line gap - but not a bad fit, still needs a bit of sanding to blend the lines. OC.
  11. Good to see you back on this - sometimes a second attempt is what it needs - sometimes for your own piece of mind. OC.
  12. You have got the patience of a saint - you know that saint with lots and lots of patience. OC.
  13. @king derelict Thank you kindly Alan, they are very nice kits, always liked their accuracy and the way they go together - both this and my Chinook are both Italeri. OC.
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