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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. Bit more of an update - Rifles painted and a wash added - just needs some dusting and a flat coat sprayed over them. OC.
  2. Amazing work - Keep remembering the scale .......tiny tiny tiny 700 times smaller than the real thing. OC.
  3. Thank you so much Tim, its all about finding a way of holding them and finding a steady hand position and controling your breathing - I find the more I do of them the better they become - Oh and decent magnification with optovisors is really important. OC.
  4. Looking Great Denis - Rabbit Hole - "Go On - you know you want to" I think you will be kicking yourself if you dont. OC.
  5. Evening all, another slight update on my 5th Line KGL - hands now painted, back packs with Grey Coats and straps, facings done and details to the Shako's, not far to go with these than I will be back on some more 2nd KGL Light. OC.
  6. I shall be following with interest - you guys who make and bend card/paper like this and turn out a little wonder - I take my hat off to you - I couldn't do it. OC.
  7. My only real experience of train carriages is as a grounds keeper for an ex boss he used to live in an old converted railway station complete with the old platform - he decided one day to buy and have transported over an old BR sleeper carriage the old type with seperate compartments with pull down beds, any way - he forst wantedn me to re paint the whole thing in BR Red and Black Tar roof, then he decided he wanted the inside wrippped out using just angle grinders - nice work, I was on this job for about Six months.😒☹️ OC.
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