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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. Hi all, just a quicky - I got some lovely feedback and comments off the owner of Arcane Scenery who I purchased my LHS farm kit from, he is an established builder himself and such an honour to get such lovely comments from him.😃 OC.
  2. I agree with what Kevin said - I also thought you meant on the vertical, as in viewing the canon/carriage from the front and seeing the sides angled inwards towards the top. OC.
  3. Sounds like a good idea Craig, correct shades of colour with our builds can be a right mine field and sometimes over complicated. OC.
  4. Just eyeball it mate - if it looks good to you - thats all that matters - its looking more than nice from here. OC.
  5. Thats an interesting subject and to be honest I was not completely sure but - this might help. OC. https://www.sovereignhobbies.co.uk/pages/royal-navy-periodic-table-of-paints
  6. Thank you very much for your kind words Gary, its ambitious but fun - I am really enjoying the whole thing probably more than anything else I have built (save for my Balck Pearl build). OC.
  7. Great to see you back on with this creating little engineering marvels - so love what you are creating. OC.
  8. Just catching up Mark, that is some lovely work you are doing and with your carvings - nothing can be taken away from the skill to even attempt such a task - hats duly taken off my friend. OC.
  9. Evening all, a bit more progress on the farmhouse - I added a few more White layers then made up a few frames around the doors, they will have there head frames after I have fitted the clear plastic for the windows, I then did a bit of Black painting. I also painted and fitted the chimney stacks, OC.
  10. Yes indeed Mark, I will be placing some firing form the Dorma windows as they had a vantage point over the wall and buildings, my way of looking at is - early in the battle the main farm was still intact and the KGL was uisng all of its vantage points to shoot at the French, its this stage I want to replicate - even possibly with the main courtyard gates open and KGL firing from that position also. OC.
  11. Very nice start - you are really getting the hang of all the PE work especially in little land - where we all fear going into. OC.
  12. So my next move with this - put a few more White layers down on the Two remaining inside walls, then when dry have a go at creating some door/window frames that will trap some clear plastic to represent my windows, then I will study and mark out my room partition's and ceiling/first floor position, then check what wood stock I have to make some attaching frames for the room walls and floor that will probably be made up using lolly sticks (wooden type) - well that's the loose plan. OC.
  13. Evening all, Only a small update today - I finished painting the outside of the kitchen garden facing wall of the cottage (i'm out of breath from saying that) so next was to add some layers of White on the insides of the Four walls - yep layer after layer after layer - still havn't finsished them yet, so I know what I will be doing tomorrow, I have had to order some more White as I am getting through it like there is no tomorrow. No pics as time beat me but I will put some up tomorrow. OC.
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