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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. Thanks Craig, still a long long long way to go yet - that is just the tip of the iceberg. OC.
  2. Really nice work mate - really got me anxious about my Flyhawk build (when I start it that is) as you know I am not a airbrush owner/user and so far have not been pulled in to needing to get one, my intention for my Hood build was to try to get away with using the closest colour I could find to 507A in Tamiya rattle cans and the same for the anti fouling, and something for the semtex/corticene on the deck, I also have the wood deck coming with the kit as I brought that seperate from the same company. Its just the inconvenience of rattle can painting - needing to paint outdoors at the mercy of the weather - dust/flies etc, needing to man handle the parts carefully, finding a place for the parts to dry and de gas before being able to get them out on the table - I always said this takes the enjoyement out of the build. So - some thinking of what to do. OC.
  3. Next job - make some flashing to go around both gable end chimney stacks, then paint/weather them, do a bit of a wash on the lower house walls, and a bit of dry brushing, then on the outside wall dab White the stubs that where glued in the wall. OC.
  4. Evening all, so where were we "oh yes - building the piggy pen" so I painted it in the same colours as the house, then a bit of a wash - then it was glued in place. I also re visited the the house roof, and after a bit of fiddling (putting a few of the riflemen on a strict diet) I was able to get a good dry fit, so I thought "go for it" and without delay the roof was glued on, it needed a bit of PVA into both ends of the gable ends and with the aid of heat - it was forced to make a good connection. Admiral want's me to build a real version for us to live in..... So this is where I am at the moment.
  5. Thank you kindly Edward, I am trying to build it is little stages so I have more control over the detail and painting, then join each section as I go. OC.
  6. Evening all, some more progress this evening - firstly I dry fitted the roof with figures to the house, slightly tight fit now - I will have to see what I can relieve before I fasten the roof down, so I put the roof to one side and started building the Piggery and small gate surround, the surround was just a case of painting then gluing in place, the Piggery is a Two stage building that needed building, I then started on the Whitewash on the walls and inside the larger of the Two. The Piggery is just dry fitted to each and the wall at the moment. OC.
  7. That does look nice Craig - I think the Grey/Black shades make her look longer (and she was already long at 860 feet) OC.
  8. That is some really nice organic work you are doing there Phil, it looks superb, and yes it will be lovely to see you back on your Vic. OC.
  9. Twas indeed - each section then moved by sea to the main ship builders where they were mated together - that inlcuded the Two Huge Islands. OC.
  10. Some interesting info back from Jamie at Soverign - his understanding from some very in depth research, is that Grey was most likely the main bottom colour for RN ships and red was probably introduced either mid to late WW2 or even possibly after WW2. Well that puts a spanner in the works for all this WW2 painted RN ships we all built over time, and did our bottoms Red. OC.
  11. Evening all, a wee bit more progress - I finished painting the figures (wher they need to be) and then came the time to glue them in place - fiddly job if i'm honest, then I glued the musket in the hand of the guy who nearly dropped it, and with the others it was a case of some fine detail painting - so I think this completes the roof section. OC.
  12. Quick update - had a couple of messages in Ebay - my Flyhawk Hood and wood deck are on there way. OC.
  13. I have been influenced to try these as they are supposed to be brillant for the money, oh I also use masters brush cleaner. OC. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/304065041535?var=603205556994
  14. I have dropped Jamie from Soverign a message about this - hope he come back to me. Its interesting - where they trialing a new paint in 1941, did they simply run out of Red in her refit before her last encouter with Bizzy? OC.
  15. Excellent work - really looks Superb, and as you say such a strong hull, looking forward to watching more on it. OC.
  16. Just remembered another job I need to do inside - build a rail around the stair opening - dont want any KGL falling down the gap. OC.
  17. Craig found this on Soverign Hobbies site might clear up the paint scheme of when she went down. OC.
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