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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. Its only masked up for the primer at the moment, I did it in preparation for when I was going to spray on the primer, so the first stage will be to brush all over it my Vallejo Surface Primer with my largest One inch brush. Will deffo try your Ideas latter down the road when I am ready to have a go at free hand camo brush painting. OC.
  2. Complex masking is always a challenge and at smaller scales even more so, I understand where you come from with feeling rushed, it takes away the enjoyement and relaxed building time. I think its looking Super mate. OC.
  3. Thank you kindly Craig, yep I did brush paint my HMS Warspite a few years back - so guess it will be worth a go. OC.
  4. Hi All, I am tempted (tempted) to have another go on this as it was put away part built and masked ready for when I was going to spray my Vallejo Surface Primer on it prior to paint, but I no longer have my Aibrush kit so all work will have to be by brush, just wondered if I could still do it justice and not make it turn into a rough brush stroke mess. I know the V surface primer is very foreging and shrinks down quite well without masking to many details, and I have beed tempted to do the Europen Three stage Camo - all my brush. Tempted - tempted. OC.
  5. So just some final thoughts on how (time line - events) I want to display my dio - The 2nd KGL had been forced inside the courtyard after loosing quite a few men defending the orchard, the 2nd KGL had met up with the Luneberg Battalion but came under attack by the Cuirassiers and most tried to reach the lines on the slope - a few made it back into the courtyard including a small handful of Luneberg, the 2nd KGL re entered LHS along with some 1st KGL and 5th Line KGL and the KGL made a few charges on the French through the main door on the road, while the Cuirassiers and the odd Lancer are around on the other side of the orchard. Not 100% fully accurate but not far off taking into account my space limitations with my dio area, and the time since the batttle happened details can get mixed up slightly. OC.
  6. Thank you kindly for the compliment - what you did makes mine look like a mini project (would love to have seen that) OC.
  7. Thank you so much for your input and looking into this for me brother, I have to be honest I was not aware that the 13e was involved in the attack on LHS - was this a separate - (later) attack after the first 54th - 55th ligne attacks on the farm? I know history states that both the 54th and 55th made the first attacks on the arm and re tried a few times after, but later in the day Ney took personal responsibility for the attack LHS. The farm stayed intact till late in the day after receiving different units of support including the 5th KGL Line (Red costs) they where all involved in defending the farm and rear kitchen garden - I understand, and some Luneberge also made it into the garden to fight or take shelter. Its all down to account records I guess. OC.
  8. I have re done Two of my older pics - they where taken without direct illumination just a small torch to get some shadows. OC.
  9. Thank you kindly brother, it is the history of the battalions Lieutenant Colonel that I am very interested in as I would love to add him close to the farm around the kitchen garden as I believe some of the battalion who escaped the Cuirassiers ran there. OC.
  10. Thank you kindly Richard, I may have read that book - I read a few over the years as I have always had a lot of love for the Shar. OC.
  11. I was doing some reading up on the fate of the Luneberg Battalion that met their fate at the swords of the French Cuirassiers when they marched down the slope in line formation to attack the 54th and 55th Ligne that was attacking LHS, I understand over 300 hundread tropps who was lead by a Leutenant Colonel marched down that day, the question I do not have the answr to despite much searching - was he killed in action or survived - did he take shelter in LHS - was he dis mounted or still on his horse? Will be interesting to find out as he could possibly be another addition to my build . OC.
  12. Good evening all, well this has started again - I decided to have a go at re top coating all my figures (about 60) that have already been painted, but have retained some slight sheen to the paintwork, so I got my bottle of Lucky Ultra Matt and (((Shook))) the living daylights out of it, then using my largest best brush I carefully brushed over them with a thin smooth application - I have done about Ten at a go and think the finish is better. I will take some pics when they are all done so I can do a group photo.. OC.
  13. Good to see you back Denis, sorry to hear about your situation - hope you get that roof sorted soon. OC.
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