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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. Richard just following on from your glue woes - could you not use Revell Pro glue its the one in the shaped Yellow and Blue bottles that sit on their bottoms and have a metal needle for their applicator, they are very good and if the needle blocks easy to clean with fine wire. OC.
  2. Looking forward to following this very fine kit, I will bring my chair and nibbles, these ships remind me of the British Navys past advanced Destroyer HMS Bristol, she was our days visit ship when I spent a week with the Navy for work experience as a teenager. OC.
  3. Really liking what you are doing Richard - looking very realistic - loving the scenery. OC.
  4. Firstly - have a Great vacation (yes rap up warm and dry). Now for your figures - they are looking really good especially considering the scale 10mm I would try a light wash over with either of the Army Painter Acrylic washes or even the Citadel Shade Agrax Earthshade, they are so thin that they can be brushed over and any areas of excess can just be brushed off with a clean brush - you will be supprissed how well they bring out the details. OC.
  5. Thank you for that Keith, one deffo Not to watch then - when we going to se an accurate film on Waterloo - so far Nothing. OC.
  6. Alan, is this for the built up areas of terrain where its quite a slope or the more flatter areas inside the curtain wall? Could you not use some trim able sponge of foam that you could trim to shape - they type model scenery builders use, if its for the inner areas - if there are some raised areas to be built up, couldn't foam sponge again be used and trimmed to size and shape. For the surface - stones - dirt - grass etc you can get these types of spray glues (I have used them on my dio to fix down the grass sheet that had a kind of cardboard underneath) https://www.ebay.co.uk/str/warworldscenics/Glues/_i.html?store_cat=41576272016 They also do all sorts of scenery products. OC.
  7. Hi all, I haven't done anything of late to be honest we try to rash-ion the electricity usage in the winter by not using any unnecessary items like my modelling light, even our table lamps we try to keep off at night and just rely on light from our tv and a candle, it isn't too bad when I can model with daylight through our door in the Spring - Summer, that's why I tend to do reading and commenting on other builds and messing with my photos. OC.
  8. That is looking Superb Alan - just think for a minute - you have built it brick by brick, its a credit to all your hard work with a project that could have driven anyone up the wall. I think the idea to support the main block is a very good idea as it wont been seen. Loving this build mate. OC.
  9. Morning all, just been surfing the net when I came across a bit of info about Napoleon - after his defeat at Waterloo and his surrender to Captain Frederick Maitland of HMS Bellerophon off Rochefort in 1815, he was taken to Plymouth Sound UK where he remained on board, 26 July – 4 August, while his future was decided. This event caused a local and national sensation as thousands took to the water, here is a painting showing his holding before his departure. I think it was very interesting due to my build and also our previous past living in Plymouth over looking the Sound Harbour. Drawing off the net not mine (not quite that old lol) OC.
  10. That is an amazing rescue - that gloss hi sheen finish looks amazing. OC.
  11. Evening all, just been playing around with a few of my existing photos and I decided to have anther go at them - I copped the one photo and the painting of the inside the courtyard of LHS I just brought the levels up a bit to make the scene pop a bit. OC.
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