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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. I don't think it has as it still feels solid. The Urgency to fix it is its our only cooking device as our electric cooker stopped working and we have not been able to replace it - so we are fully reliant on the microwave. OC.
  2. This is the area I need to treat and hopefully touch up with a small tin of microwave safe enamel paint. I assume its safe to use at the moment not from a radiation leak perspective as I dont think it is leaking, but the actual food should still be ok being cooked in covered containers (like cling film pricked covers) shouldn't it? The rusting is only small in and the rest of the inside is perfect. OC.
  3. Thank you kindly brother, its such a tiny area inside at the back along the seam. OC.
  4. Excellent start of a Superb kit - still the most accurate kit of her in any scale. I did a build of her in here, but put it on hold as I went another direction and started to turn her into her sinking scene, when she was blwn in Two. OC.
  5. Hi all, does anyone know the exact make up of Micro Set please? reason I ask is - I read its diluted White Vinegar? Long story short I need to do a minor microwave oven interior repair to a bit of seam rusting, and I read you can treat rust with White Vinegar, then paint over the top of it with microwave safe enamel paints. OC.
  6. Thank you kindly Ken, Just thought my pics deserved going through my photo editer Adobe Lightroom and Topaz De Noise, never done them in there for this build I was just posting them direct from my iphone. OC.
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