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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. Hi there all my friends, I have not given up on this build - the figures are still sitting on the table going through stages of whistling, walking up and down the table - stomping their feet, and now they are just lying about the floor staring at the ceiling, I hear the occasional cough trying to get my attention. I will return just I locked my mojo away in one of the cupboards and need to find it. OC.
  2. https://www.bikeradar.com/advice/workshop/workshop-how-to-lace-a-wheel/?image=3&type=gallery&gallery=1&embedded_slideshow=1 OC.
  3. I did that the first few tries with full size wheels, takes a while to get the sequence correct. OC.
  4. No mate, never really played with bb guns or air rifles (my mum hated them). My wheel building came from working for a cycle manufacturer and some work in cycle shops - lacing and building wheel and lots of truing as part of a service. OC.
  5. If your figure painting is like all the other stuff you do - they will be more than nice. OC.
  6. "Wheel Lacing" remember those days - not with motor cycles but bicycles, I built a few years back. OC.
  7. The Buck (Brick) could have been employed for low down bombing duties, and I guess the F4 could have added cover for them. OC.
  8. It is indeed, starting to sound like a Carrier deck is crying out - Ark Royal. OC.
  9. That is looking Superb Craig, you will have to do a RN Phantom to go with her. OC.
  10. I also used to love 35mm film cameras, had a few before digi came out - my main subjects where Aircraft and Airshows. OC.
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