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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. Thanks hamilton, it will certainly be an interesting build, and hopefully my build experience both plastic and wood will come in useful. On with my build, after offering up forecastle b-head num 1, i soon discovered the slots on both the keel and b-heads where tight, so i opened both up slightly after checking the centre point of the slots, then a nice join was made, i then fitted brace 23s and offered up both number 24s, but as i did with my vic build i decided to fan out these two supports at 45deg angles, first i sanded the edges of both to meet at a point then glued both in place. I did this because i found it makes for a smoother more natural curve for the hull planking. Anyway heres the pics..... C.
  2. Does the kit come with extra materials or are they exact? just incase i decide to lengthen the forecastle area and plank it, this is what i would need to do to build the kit as HMS Lyme, also i would need to plank over the rear step upto the poop area as this would be acsessed via extarnal steps again if i build HMS Lyme. C.
  3. Hi dragzz, jeff and hamilton, Thank you for the replies, Im fairly well up there with farring i had to do this quite considerably with my vic build, also adding shaped timbers from formed wood strips(coffee stirers) and constant-Constant-COnstant sanding the bulk heads with different strengths of sanding material to get a good smooth planking shape, i had to go almost completely away from the de-agostini build instructs, as they where also not 100% acurate, mind you i started from the bottom up from the keel and even started to add some lower floors like the hold etc. This i will try to do with this kit, and after scouring the net for info on the 1720 20-24 gun man-of-war(frigate), it is possible with some mods to build any of the four mentioned, Lyme is perhaps the most interesting as she shows to have a slightly lengthened forecastle area and poop with the addition of a (poss 6pdr cannon) on the top of the poop deck, and and additional one rearward and on the same deck as the our cutouts. So lots of possibilities C.
  4. Well it arrived today in a nice tidy box well packaged and presented, i checked over all the contents and decide my build strategy, i first checked the keel for squareness and found that it was not sitting totally flat when on its side, so i gently flatened it aided by abit of friction/heat, next was to design/build a building frame so it was to the shed i ventured....i found a piece of 2"x1" soft wood, after cutting to length and shaping the ends, i fitted four pieces of balsa that where placed against the keel for aligning, then after gluing in place with some strong glue. Here is my first pic showing the above, but as i dont have a close up or wide lens just 55mm minimum on my dslr, i may struggle to show close/fine details.... C.
  5. What i will do is try to space the 11th port quite close to the side cabin window assembly, as this looks like how they have been laid out, like in the victory where nelson had one in his quarters that was lashed against the side when not in use, and when in action his best and most trusted gunnery men would fire from it. It looks like there might just be enough room just after bulhead 12, possibly not quite centred between bulkheads as with the others, but a slight nudge towards bul 12 might not look to bad, even if not open or cut out it could be a dummy port just engraved with hinge assembly. C.
  6. Thank you for that hamilton, i have been saving some diagrams and pictures of greyhound and her sisters, and one or two first obvious things i can see, firstly i noticed that the bulwak on the real ship steps down further back towards the mizen mast close to bulkhead no 10, and the mention of there being 11 gun ports on the real ship, i think the missing number 11 port is in the rear captains cabin, just as in many fighting vessels. C.
  7. Hi hamilton, some realy great work you are doing there, i have ordered mine and await delivery in a few days, i cant wait to get back into period ship buliding again since my last build of the de-ag part build Victory that got asfar as the hull palnking stage and some extra detailing i was putting inside. Your build is an inspiration, as is most other members, and i follow with great interest. C.
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