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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. Just had the most frightening Two - Three Hours, the admiral started having some really nasty pains in her chest in the region of her heart, they would come on then go, so we rung the out of hours medical help and they transfered us to the Ambulance Paremedics - anyway cut a long story short the came came out to the house to check her over. She was wired up first checked her Blood pressure - that was high (but she was also having panic attacks and hyper ventilating) and worrying expecting the worst, then they wired her up and checked her heart - that was normal, they checked her temp - normal and diabetic that was high, so it was decided not to go to hospital but to speak with her doctor instead. Scarry Scarry moment for her and myself. OC.
  2. Evening all, I managed an hour or so on the bench today, but I decided to move over to the 2nd KGL - I painted their jackets and trousers then left then to dry. OC.
  3. Jack, I have a very similar set up and also use the Vallejo range both Model Colour and Air paints, what might help is to pre mix the model colour with thinner / flow improver and keep some in a seperate bottle, instead of mixing the thinner/airflow improver in the airbrush pot, this might help to keep a consistant thin flow through the needle. That way you could shake the bottle before pouring some into the airbrush pot. OC.
  4. Your a braver man than me Craig - I think its a Magician art form what paper modellers do. OC.
  5. Nothing wrong with us all going a bit Phantoom mad - its was probably the best plane of its time and sadly missed, and I think we are all blessed having our very own mister toom driver Ken - so much respect (same to all the other vets) My show of respect taken by me - OC.
  6. And all that reverse engineered stuff - trying to create zero gravity crafts. OC.
  7. Washes are our friend Jack - they bring out the subtle details hidden in the figures - I wouldn't be without them now. OC.
  8. I am glad you was able to sort a case out - like in my situation a case is So important at protecting ones fine work from damage from prying hands and dust. OC.
  9. It certainly does, some things to keep you out of trouble brother - can't wait for these who doesn't love a "toom" OC.
  10. With my figures I use a pallette and just mix into it a range of colours I want one colour at a time, normaly starting with the skin face and hands, to me a "wet pallette" is just keeping the mixed paint wet with water. Different people paint the rest of the figures details in different ways but I try to do the fine details like belts etc first the the clothing and normaly kind of work downwards with shoes/boots last. Hope that helps. OC.
  11. You thought about digging up the floor with some jack hammers - it might have propelled its self into the concrete😉 OC.
  12. Evening all, more work on the 5th KGL, more detail painting including straps and haversacks. OC.
  13. Same as Alan Jack, hope the eye/s settle down, very interesting looking kit. OC.
  14. Stunning work there Edward - so hard to get my head round the medium you are working with. OC.
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