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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. Is it like the product I used on my dio to make the water in the pond - a gel like liquid that your poor in and after a day or so it dries clear? OC.
  2. Welcome to our forum - thats some nice work you have done - looking forward to seeing more. OC.
  3. A very underated Jet with so much style, Kinetic do some really nice 1/48 kits of Harriers and I think Hasegawa do some AV-8 kits. OC.
  4. Oh sorry about the size (small) of the images - I had the upload setting medium not large. OC.
  5. Evening all, some more bench time was achieved today - I painted the 5th KGL haversacks / trousers and water bottles, I also painted 2nd KGL haversacks and water bottles. OC.
  6. Evening all, I mananged a bit of bench time, but first an update on the Admiral - she had a so so night due to her restless leg syndrom she sufferes from, we have booked an appointmet to see her Doctor to have some bloods taken. OC.
  7. She is sleeping now which is early for her as she also suffers from Restless Leg Syndrome and it pays her up something rotten stopping her sleep till the early hours, part of the reason why I am normally up till so late. OC.
  8. Indeed My late farther was type 1 diabetic and it was part of the resons he died all is organs collapsed at the same time while he was in hospital, I was with him while he bled out and died. OC.
  9. We think it was a combination of things - her blood oxygen was perfect 100% her temp was normal her heart was normal on the EG machine, but her bllod pressure was quite high aswel as her diabetes (she is type 2 diabetic) we think it was becuase of a spike in her diabetes and hight blood pressure (becuase she was pannicking) that this might have caused it. OC.
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