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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. It certainly does, some things to keep you out of trouble brother - can't wait for these who doesn't love a "toom" OC.
  2. With my figures I use a pallette and just mix into it a range of colours I want one colour at a time, normaly starting with the skin face and hands, to me a "wet pallette" is just keeping the mixed paint wet with water. Different people paint the rest of the figures details in different ways but I try to do the fine details like belts etc first the the clothing and normaly kind of work downwards with shoes/boots last. Hope that helps. OC.
  3. You thought about digging up the floor with some jack hammers - it might have propelled its self into the concrete😉 OC.
  4. Evening all, more work on the 5th KGL, more detail painting including straps and haversacks. OC.
  5. Same as Alan Jack, hope the eye/s settle down, very interesting looking kit. OC.
  6. Stunning work there Edward - so hard to get my head round the medium you are working with. OC.
  7. This will be cool Craig, strange looking Viper with those Two extensions along the fuelarge (extra fuel tanks)? they have become quite common in a few different air arms. OC.
  8. Thank you Kindly Mark. I stayed away from using the hairdryer and just painted in different areas of the figures. OC.
  9. Evening all, so I found my mojo - its was in the bedroom cabinet, so I pulled my finger out plugged my table lamp in and made a start. I decided to do a bit of multi tasking - so first I painted the flesh on the last of primed 2nd KGL, these where given a few coats as they dried quite quick, while they were drying I then painted tha Red jackets on my 5th KGL injured, again I was able to apply a few coats as they were drying. So here a couple of pics - The Red coats are still a bit shiny as they are not fully dry yet. Good to be back on the bench. OC.
  10. Some good progress there Denis - that Red bottom really came out well and sets off a treat against the base/stand. OC.
  11. The reason why I love our site - the family help we get is superb - really appreciate everyone here - when anyone has a problem folks in here ar always there trying to help. 👍 OC.
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