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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. Same as Jack - good to know you guys are safe, did you see the Purple sky people have been talking about. OC.
  2. Prayers for Everyone over the pond, hope it turns out less of an impact and Everyone stays safe and impacted the least. OC.
  3. We have the remains of one coming our way next week, its currently in the Atlantic - but due to loose a lot of its power by the time it reaches us. OC.
  4. Thank you kindly Ken, thank you for taking the time to reply with all you have got going on your end. OC.
  5. Great work Alan - tunic turn backs should be White mate, and the buttons a Brass colour also the sleeve cuffs should have a Yellow edging along the raised edge, all belts White with Brass buckles. OC.
  6. Really nice work Alan, figures are not as easy as people might think - they can take a lot of work to get them right, he is looking splendid mate. OC.
  7. I have sent him a message enquiring that he is safe and well from us all. OC.
  8. Excellent work Alan - its really looking the part and coming together. OC.
  9. Isnt it Evergreen plastic that peeps use for that. OC.
  10. Glad to help mate, I used them for my Figure painting there are lots of different ones - http://centjours.mont-saint-jean.com/detail_uniformes_uniteBR.php?rubrique=U&uniformes=112&drapeau= OC.
  11. Alan this might help with the French Grenadier Scheme of the time - OC.
  12. Excellent work Alan, he is taking a really nice 3D shape to him now - great demarcation between the shades - love it mate. OC.
  13. That has gone together well Alan, I know what you mean about the Vallejo Putty - I found the same with it staying a we bit soft and sagging into the join, I love the shape of the jet - will be so nice watching your progress with it. OC.
  14. Thank you kindly Jeff, I know what you mean my eyesight has always been one good one and one not so, but I far to often made the mistake of being on my laptop for far to long combined with tv watching while wearing the wrong strength glasses - straining my eyes and causing the ocular migraine without my knowing till those flashing - pulsing patterns of coloured shapes made them self present. It was good to have the advanced scans on my eyes for them to confirm the condition, I know take regular paracetamol and it does help (kind of like for a normal headache migraine) OC.
  15. Indeed mate - I was thinking the same, I have that styrene I brought months a go - the one that arrived broken up, on the next dry day I could get in my back yard and start cutting it down more into shape, that should be less hard on my eyesight with my new glasses. OC.
  16. I have my optovisor with drop in different strength lenses that I have always used with my wrong strength (none) prescription glasses that where too weak, my new prescription ones I have been tested for jump up from 3.5 to nealy 7 times magnification, so lots more magnification there. OC.
  17. I am in Two minds over this Alan, I think as there is no rush - perhaps best to wait till my new glasses arrive and play around to see how I go - I could return to it by doing the scenery that needs creating out of those sytrene pieces I ordered some time back, it will be less eye strain related than my figures. OC.
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