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Old Collingwood

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Everything posted by Old Collingwood

  1. Evening all, not and update as Im pigging out watching tv with the Admiral, but I thought I would show you the lovely supprise prezzy my brother go me for xmas as a thank you for my help. OC.
  2. Evening all, not a very large update to be honest I only attached Two items - Two really small sections of rail to finish off the rear block, then It was time to do what the Admiral our doggy and I always do - open just one prezzy each with a mince pie or Two, I got her a new phone case and she brough me a few beers (very nice) Happy Christmas to Everyone - take care and have fun. OC.
  3. That is looking really good Denis - hope you have a great one over the holidays mate. OC.
  4. That looks like a Beauty Alan - so love these Flyhawk kits - I know you will make a Superb job of her. If I dont catch before the big day - have a great one mate. OC.
  5. Evening all, after cooking our supper spag bol as the admiral is on soft food due to her face paralysis, I did a bit more on the rear block - I added a couple of PE rails, the rear Hacs and some signal lamps - also the two column platforms, still some more PE to fit on the top. OC.
  6. Found this on the internet - just amazing mindblowing work including weathering and rigging at 700 scale 😲 OC. https://www.golectures.com/index.php?go=search&q=[FULL BUILD] 1%2F700 THE MIGHTY HOOD ( Flyhawk Deluxe Edition )
  7. Evening all, got a couple of hours on my Hood - I have moved on to the boat deck again, there is another block situated here that has several items here including another Hacs device. OC.
  8. Thanks Mark, will be carefull - we were over covid - not sharing towels constant washing of hands etc. OC.
  9. Yes indeed Mark, I asked the doctor that and he said you have to come in contact with the rash and touch it to catch it, and she has no rash just the dropped side of her face and really painful ear - she is more embarrassed about her face and speech as she has the appearance of a stroke (thank goodness it wasn't) OC.
  10. Thank you kindly Alan, yep they were on the ball and thankfully the doctors waiting area was quite empty. OC.
  11. Evening all, will be doing a wee bit more later but firstly what a day - the admiral has been suffering with a very sore ear and dropped left side of her face drooped eye and mouth, yep we feared that as well (stroke) so after ringing our doctors he rang back and wanted to see her asap, we went to the surgery and he checked he over, he said it wasn't a stroke but after giving her an examination he said she is suffering from Shingles in her ear. He said in an ideal world she would be in hospital but instead he gave her a course of Steroid tabs. She has certainlt been through the mill of late. So after making sure she is ok and doing our supper I will do a wee bit more on my Hood. OC.
  12. All the very very best Denis to you and yours, have a great time over the holiday. OC.
  13. Evening all, a bit more done this evening - I added a few bits to the Bridge and a bit more PE, I have added a few items in the pic for scale the coin in a Ten Pence Piece and my glasses. OC.
  14. Thank you kindly Mike, boy is it fiddly and delicate - and can not be rushed, I use the old fashioned way to remove and bend the PE - sharp blade then blade and tweezer flat end to hold the PE while I use the blade to bend it, then holding it with tweezers to glue in place is tricky - takes great skill to keep my hand still enough during this. OC.
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