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uss frolick

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  1. I lathed out master barrels in brass for a 12-pounder long gun and a 32-pounder carronade, and took them down to my local pewter artist. He moulded off multiple copies of each for my USS Frolick project. A posted the results few years ago:
  2. Don't forget the relatively recent magnum opus, "Tidewater Triumph: The Development and Worldwide Success of the Chesapeake Pilot Boat Schooner." , by Geoffrey M. Footner, Mystic Seaport Museum, 1998. A modern must-have. Amazon Link: https://www.amazon.com/Tidewater-Triumph-Development-Worldwide-Chesapeake/dp/0913372803
  3. There is a secret manufacturer codeword, that is only placed on the highest quality wooden ship-model kits. Search carefully for the word "Vanguard" on the box-top.
  4. Clayton Feldman, whose popular Model Ship Builder series on the Fair American was reprinted in paperback form, included all the lofted frame drawings in the latter. Is Dr. Feldman still with us?
  5. Don't forget the old, reliable Fair American!
  6. It's a good deal, if you're not set up to 3D print, which I am not, even if only the barrels are offered. (I still own DVD's!) But there is another French vender who offers a small number of Ancre sets in both metal and resin barrels (click 'l'artillerie' in the left menu): http://www.lahoche.fr
  7. Phillipe! Bienvenue dans notre joyeuse petite communauté maritime! 🛶
  8. This is the tragic last act of the famed Salem frigate. She held an estimated 5.000 Irish prisoners during her twelve final years, who were mostly awaiting transport to Australia. Some of the prisoners' stories are recounted here:
  9. Huzza! I just got the email this morning. Here for example is the L'Egyptienne page. Scroll down the tan box and tick "1/2 serie de canons au 1/48" to see a picture. In this case it is for a half battery in 1/48 for 110 Euros. https://ancre.fr/fr/monographies/102-legyptienne-fregate-de-24-1799-9782952740654.html#/langue-1_2_serie_de_canones_a_1_48 Those ships offering cannon sets, in differing scales, are: LE FLEURON : 1/48 LA NÉRÉIDE : 1/48 HERMIONE : 1/48 LA CREOLE : 1/48 Caronade de 12 livres : 1/12 CHALOUPE Armée 1/36 1/24 1/18 L'AMARANTE : 1/36 et 1/24 ARTESIEN : 1/48 et 1/36 LA BELLE-POULE : 1/48 MAHONESA: 1/48 et 1/36 LA BELLE : 1/48 et 1/36 LE REQUIN : 1/48 LA VENUS : 1/48 LA VOLAGE : 1/24 EGYPTIENNE : 1/48
  10. The original plan was for Volume 2 to be about the spars, sails and rigging; Volume 3 was to be about the hull machinery and official naval items found aboard (joinery, capstan, gun carriages, etc.); and volume 4 was to be about the personal, private belongings of the crew. So perhaps they needed a whole second volume to complete the rigging, hence a Volume 2b.
  11. "My Model of the Essex" by Walter Zimmerman was privately printed, in hardcover, but not very long. I would like to pick up a copy, since it would be a good companion to the AOTS book. I especially like the author's stern-carvings reconstruction. Nothing on eBay nor Amazon. It was recently reviewed on Olha Batchvarov's YouTube channel:
  12. "Hip, hip, hip, hooray!"
  13. Will you be offering a rum-sipping sloth for the great cabin? A cello? Killick holding tray of toasted cheese and Aubrey's number-one scaper? The twins Sarah and Emily? .... ooooh, the imagination soars ...
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