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Posts posted by shipaholic

  1. Hi Ollie


    I built the exact same kit about 20 years ago (pics in the completed gallery here), the box artwork on mine was exactly the same so probably a similar vintage (I still have the box). When I built mine I did minimal painting because I wanted to produce more an ornamental piece rather than an exact scale model but I also did a few modifications to make it look more realistic and more like the Endeavour than it would have if I had just used the parts supplied and followed the AL instructions. I only used the wood supplied and the final outcome was pretty good, the deck planks and hull outer planking look okay. I mostly followed the instructions as there was no other reference material available to me at the time, so there a few things that are not quite right that annoy me now - the mast tops look too chunky, the line of the main wale isn't quite right and the stern doesn't look that good. The rigging blocks are fairly rough and chunky, so I individually sanded and lacquered each one which gave them a more accurate look. Every kit has its bad points but I'm sure you can make a good model from this one.




  2. I've only been doing a few bits and pieces on the ship lately, Last week I made the jib boom, its just temporarily tied in place. Today I made the first set of four stanchions for the handrail on the fore top. I might need to make some sort of jig because they are a bit tricky to keep lined up properly during soldering using these alligator clips. I'm open to suggestions.






  3. Hi Pat

    Can I weigh in on this one (excuse the pun) on the bumpkins

    Ships at anchor were very much at the mercy of the wind blowing the ship around, and it wasn't just a matter of dropping the anchor and then hauling it straight up again when weighing anchor. These diagrams from the book "The Young Sea Officer's Sheet Anchor" illustrate that fact. It seems anchor cables easily became tangled due to the ships moving around when at anchor, they even made the bobstay more adjustable on small ships like Endeavour that didn't have a figurehead so that it didn't foul the anchor cable. I cant imagine how the anchors on Endeavour would have been managed AT ALL with bumpkins fitted as shown in the AOTS.






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