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Everything posted by scrubbyj427

  1. Jim, I just took a quick measurement with a temporary black strake plank in place and came .020” under actually so I will need to either carefully Gap my planks or gently roll them at the ends to make up the gap. I’m hoping to get to that point this weekend and see where I land with the bollard timbers. I’ll post my progress when I get there. JJ
  2. Hi Mike, I could be seeing things, but it appears to me that you planked your whales in one layer? Model is looking absolutely fantastic! JJ
  3. Ok back at the whales, I’ve encountered a slight issue which I believe has to do with the sharp radius at the stern and the distance that second run of planks has to cover as opposed to the first. This is giving me this slight gap at the top. Did anyone else encounter this or account for it from the start? I think I’m going to tap into my 5/16” stock and cut some slightly wider planks for the top and sand to fit flush with the first layer. Also if anyone is interested I designed a cutting fence, the exact thickness of the saw blade, for my Byrnes saw that prevents the wood, on both sides of the blade from bumping or accidentally slipping into the blade and scaring up your billet. So far the prototype is working well and keeping the planks clean. I plan to produce the final one in aluminum and fasten it on with screws. JJ
  4. Alright guys, back on track. redid the counter planking and finished the first layer of whales. Happy with the results so far, crisis averted. A few fairing issues to sort in the back but that shouldn’t be a problem. Thanks Rusty for your assistance with the counter and Chuck for supplying me with another set of planks. I will start sawing some more wood next week and begin moving forward with the upper planking. JJ
  5. Hi Fred, I work as an engineer on a private motor yacht so I’m building in the engine room, I have a vac always running when I’m cutting or sanding to keep the dust down. Im just not as good as other folks on here at planking so I want to take necessary precautions, I’m also cutting my planks a bit thicker to allow a bit more sanding than average. JJ
  6. Thanks Rusty, I really dropped the ball on this one. I’m going to redo the counter planking and start over. Your counter is actually where I spotted my error, I need to throw away anything I have under 200 grit at this point as I only get myself in trouble with it. JJ
  7. Thanks Ben, that’s kind of what I’m thinking as well. I will have to order some additional stern planks as redo this area. JJ
  8. Before I get too carried away on a planking binge, I’m slightly concerned with the landing of the planks at the stern. Chuck, you or anyone else’s thoughts? I’m happy with the rest of the run so far. I’m concerned I may have to do the transom again? Thanks, JJ
  9. Thanks Rusty, I have a feeling that’s going to be a massive help. That actually looks like a commercially available product? thanks, JJ
  10. Thanks Chuck. What exactly do you mean by feather board? Just something to hold the plank that’s being cut, down? It seems as you get close to the end of the cut the large board wants to dive into the blade and then it screws up the next cut. By the way, what blade are you all cutting with? Thanks, JJ
  11. Finally got some lumber nailed to the side of this thing. Good thing this is going to have another layer over the top, there’s going to be just a little filling at the bow. How are you guys ripping your planks? Are you setting the rip fence once and just pushing the block through or are you moving the fence each time? I need to perfect ripping yesterday! JJ
  12. Thank you Jim, much appreciated. I’ve been stalling for bit but plan to get some planks on this week. JJ
  13. I got the stern planking in today, it turned out pretty decent, ive sanded it and it’s ready for WOP, speaking of which, what’s the popular choice for WOP? Also has anyone had this much planking hang over the frames? Is this indicative of taking too much material off? JJ
  14. Thanks Chuck, I’m happy with how it’s coming along, really enjoying this build.
  15. Got the bollard timbers in place, I think they need a little touching up but I’m happy with how it went for the most part. A few details to go and I will have chapter one completed. JJ
  16. Model looks great Rusty! Curious to know what red you used on your gun ports as I’m getting close to that stage. JJ
  17. Alright back on the wagon! Just finishing up chapter 1. Started fairing the inner bulwarks today, almost got one side done. Once this is finished I’ll build the bollards, finish fairing the inners and finish up chapter 1. Happy new year!
  18. I’ll print it out tomorrow and double check. I may be doing a little filling.
  19. A lot of sanding dust and sawing wood today. Stern framing is on, hoping to complete chapter 1 before I go on vacation. Chuck, I fear I may have taken too much material off the outer stern Frames. Will this work or should I glue some thin strips back on and fair it again?
  20. Looks really nice Rusty. I’m just a few steps behind, carefully following. JJ
  21. Last night and today I worked on the stern frames, that was a little tricky, I stared at it a lot and constantly was making adjustments in fear of getting something a little off. I think it turned out ok though. Lots more sanding tomorrow and hopefully onto the quarter galley framing. Im not quite certain of the lower sills on the transom, I installed them perpendicular to the frame where they sit, should they be more towards horizontal?
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