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Everything posted by scrubbyj427

  1. I Guess I need another excuse to watch master and commander, take some notes on lighting.
  2. Very interesting, guess I never payed that much attention but makes sense, I’ve always looked at the lower decks on larger vessels and all their ports and assumed the same for the smaller ones. what do you know about lighting on a frigate like Winnie? I’m thinking about lighting up the covered parts of the gun deck rather than lights in the case but I want to install it period correct. Any ideas of how it would have been lit and how the fixtures would look? JJ
  3. Chuck, why only the 5 gunport doors per side on Winnie? Is this because of the contemporary model or would the real Winnie only of had 5/side? JJ
  4. Thanks for the Likes and comments guys, I appreciate it. Ron- I do have an idea in mind for a display case and it will definitely go in one ASAP for protection. I’m tossing around the idea of lighting the model this time rather than the case. I need to find period correct lighting arrangements before I begin though. Yours will get there before you know it, the planking is the biggest hurdle but sets the bar for the rest of the model, so go slow! I’m so glad I did (7 months I think). dvm- I did not modify the frieze color at all, I think it’s a lighting angle. I did however drown them in WOP once glued down which I think may have made them appear a bit darker/wet. The blue on the upper transom is painted though, in Celeron blue acrylic, I bought a few different bottles of it until I found one that matched the frieze pretty close, it definitely got darker once I applied the WOP, I think I can live with it though. JJ
  5. Getting close to finishing up chapter 3, have a few loose ends to clean up and some moulding to fix, But here’s some fresh updates still showing wet WOP. JJ
  6. Those guns look outstanding! I can’t wait to add some deck details. Can’t wait to see this become available!
  7. Looks good Chuck. Were the accommodations below deck on the Winnie? Also will there be doors going on the access to the q galleries?
  8. Looks really good Greg. CA is definitely the way to go for the planking. I also edge glued mine with PVA, made quite the mess but made the seams look good. try laying your forward plank and aft planks first and then meet in the middle, it will give you a lot more wiggle room when you intersect the aft planks with the lower counter. I really struggled at first with that joint and decided to try that route and it made it a lot easier when you just have to make a filler plank in the middle instead of the tricky counter seam. JJ
  9. That looks really good Ron, nice curve on the framing battens. Follow it and your gunports will have a nice curved arrangement. JJ
  10. Thanks guys, appreciate it. having a slight regression on the model currently, should work out ok though. JJ
  11. Very nice! I think I need one of those. Looks like you assembled it? DIY cnc table? JJ
  12. Thanks guys, but most of the credit needs to go to the University of Chuck! I’m just following directions. JJ
  13. Thanks for the likes and comments guys. Moving onto the transom tonight, have a few corrections to make back there before I can proceed, should smooth afterwards. JJ
  14. The stbd side was indeed a struggle, I won’t get into it too much but there was a lot of printing going on and some additional scraping and possibly some vocabulary, but it all worked out. Starting the transom this week and hoping to finish up chapter three within a couple weeks. JJ
  15. And just like that, out of nowhere it just shows up. Works for me!
  16. Sent an email Thursday, just waiting for a reply of some sort. I guess I’m ok with the two month plan, I’ll probably stay productive that way.
  17. Yes, sand right To where they intersect. Otherwise the outer shell Won’t fit right.
  18. It took me forever to get through the gunports, it’s worth it though. Go slow and just redo anything you don’t like. JJ
  19. I can’t remember which covers get painted, the inside or the outside but check before you replace any. JJ
  20. Thanks Chuck, I probably will wait longer then. Seems there’s always some kind of sanding going on nearby the model. She’s going to get a case right away.
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