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Alex M

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Everything posted by Alex M

  1. Thank you guys for warm words! Druxey, you read my mind... I will fill the gaps with paint because it is too deep now, and I will make the "cement" a bit darker, as it is a bit too white. Alex
  2. Hi, here the next update. I have made the base for the stove from 0,3mm wood strips, cut in squares. The first image show the cutting jig. Second image show some the "Stones" with a pencil line I mark before cutting, it's serve as direction guide by gluing. The "stones" are glued to 1mm plywood base. To simulate the slate stone the plates are painted with diluted acrylic paint, then rubbed with pencil to give the surface "stone look" Alex
  3. Hi Johann, excellent workmanship as always! Incredible woodworking, just amazing! And very well researched details! Alex
  4. Hello Siggi, the cannons looks great! I like your panelling of cabins too, simply wonderful! Alex
  5. Hello Karl, I can only state what by other been said: outstanding work! Glad to see your new build here! Is a pleasure to follow. Alex
  6. Very fine work, marsalv! Alex
  7. Many thanks you Yohn, Dave, Pat David and Remco for you coments! Alex
  8. Thank you Mike and Greg! Greg, I will try to live with them... Alex
  9. Hi Lee, very clean and crisp work! You make a little beauty. Alex
  10. Thank Druxey! Tom, thank you too. The proces takes some time but is not as spectacular as I may detailed explain it. Ordinary cleaning with spiritus and blackening with brass black. I have also used exacto knife, fine sand paper and steel wool on some places to remove glue. Alex
  11. Hi Robin, the base is the next task, it will be base with bricks Thanks Dirk, but if you find it good, I will have it self. Alex
  12. It is blackened... was all other as easy, because the glue give a sort of patina around. after several cleaning and cleaning, blackening and re blackening it looks a little like wrong iron... here the result, I think, I can live with them... and how it looks on model: Alex
  13. You can look at "A Treatise of Artillery" from John Muller, printed 1768, online: https://books.google.de/books?id=vylEAAAAYAAJ&printsec=frontcover&hl=de#v=onepage&q&f=false On page 33 he explains length of the guns. The book also contains several tables of dimensions for british and french guns. Alex
  14. Here is a page about kitchen fireplace in Aston Hall: http://www.schoolsliaison.org.uk/astonhall/candles/spits/firplace.htm Alex
  15. That is very crisp and clean work, Giampiero! Looks amazing! Alex
  16. Hello Johann, agree with Mike - truly elegant framing. And very fine work! Alex
  17. Hello guys, many thanks for warm words! Remco, yesterday I have made images from making chain, not the best example, but I hope it explain the process: Alex
  18. The "chain" ... cooper wire 0,1 mm, knotted... several trials in the waste box... here the one that looks more or less OK The size is OK, still need more trials to reach consistent link size... Alex
  19. Druxey, it is no date given. The model is in the gallery for contemporary models, how modern, or how contemporary it is? Do you know te date it was made?
  20. I blow the dust from this topic away... Here is the link to our gallery with photos of (Royal) George Model, that shows margin plank and nibbed deck planks on lower gun deck: http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/gallery/image/11448-dsc02181/ A specially thank to Mark for those photos! They are grat source! Alex
  21. Hello, and many thanks for your warm words! Greg, the doors are glued with industry CA glue from Würth, and hinges are faux. They are simple brass strips and rolled brass rods glued on. Druxey, yesterday I have turned pulleys, here the driven one: now I have to make a bracket, chain and chimney, and it is barbecue time (if you are not afraid of the smell of heated glue) : Alex
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