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Alex M

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Everything posted by Alex M

  1. Hi guys, thanks you all for warm words! Nearly nothing time to work at the model, so only a small update. The chains are now completted. The next task is the bulkheads of cabins, so here the doors under construction. The door windows are done the same way as at the stern, but here I have glued wood strips at both sides of plastic sheet. The images show the making step by step. Alex
  2. that you loose one or two hour before and give up to find it... :D Small wood parts are not a problem, but be carefull with metall parts, Toni!!! :D Alex
  3. Incredible work, Danny! very fine gratings, and the Galley Cowl looks terrific! WOW! Alex
  4. That is outstanding metal work, Johann! Just excelent! Alex
  5. Hi Ilhan, very fine work you have done on ratlines! The painted rails looks also very realistic! Alex
  6. Hi Gary, great to see you update on Alfred! Great ruder and metalwork, looks very good! Alex
  7. Hello Karl, enjoy every update from you! If I look at images from shot looker, I forgot that it's model, It looks very real! A master at work! Beautiful! Alex
  8. Hi Greg, avesome build you have started here! Looks like a little fine ship compared with Pegasus! Will follow your build with interesse. About HMS Wolf, it's paper Kit from Ship Yard: http://www.model-shipyard.com/html/40de.html Alex
  9. Incredible work, Karl! I wish me, the Bonhomme Richard have more sections as only three... :) It's real pleasure to follow your build! Alex
  10. Hi Chris, glad to see you back, and your Confederacy is amazing! :D no wonder, our is 21 years now, but also sleep not every night through... :D
  11. Hello Karl, congratulations on finishing! The model is incredible, true masterpiece! Thanks for sharing your work with us! Alexander
  12. Hi Dan, very fine bulkheads! Wery crisp and precise work, I also like the color dofference of wood! Alex
  13. Hello Juergen, verynice progress of your Leopard! Glad to see you here on MSW! Alexander
  14. I dito with other, Gary! A very fine lines you have created! Alex
  15. Hi Doris, I'm out of words... Not much to say, stunning and amazing! Brilliant! Alex
  16. Hi Robert, the bits are from ebay, I bought them years ago in different diameters. Here the image: Alex
  17. Hi, the time for update here. Further work with chennels and chainplates, completting of them. I hope the images are explanable. The guns are not fixed now. Alex
  18. Hi Ed, thanks for re-posting images of your excellent build! Enjoying to follow! Alex
  19. Hello Karl, it's wonderful, true masterpiece! Alexander
  20. Hi, I'm out of words for now, hard to describe. May be a best 3D build I have been seen till now. Keep the pictures coming! Alexander
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