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Everything posted by kiwiron

  1. Thanks Pat and Augie,nice to get somewhere now and then.
  2. Nice work on the masts,i guess i'll go out to the garage get my drill out and sandpaper,then sanding stick for the square sections.Lucky no onecares about my hobby at home.
  3. Thanks Dave,We will get there eventually.the best advice I have seen is treat every small stage as a project by its self.
  4. Finally got a bit more time to finnish the bowsprit,pack it away for later on.Now onto the foremast.
  5. Hi Mike Thanks,lots of variations to Endeavour builds i'm just blundering along.
  6. Thanks Dave,thats about as good as I can get it,there are some other great looking ships boats here.
  7. Looking great Dave,i admire people with the skill to do tree nailing makes it look much better.
  8. That's one big stage done the deck work and ships longboat.A few parts to add later so I don't break them off.Putting a small bow in my bow sprit at the moment.
  9. Just found a mistake with the oars for them to actually work I need to re drill the holes 90 degrees to what I have.
  10. Ships longboat done, I tried an oar from scratch turned out better than I thought so I kept going,i'll put the best ones on top.Onto to the bowsprit now and the drill lathe,a lot more detail than the Supply bowsprit.The small cannons,anchors will be going on near the end.
  11. Thanks Augie,I've already knocked off half the top rail over and over,pretty delicate now,lucky I've got heaps of glue.
  12. Some odd bits done,handle for the small cannon.Spare top masts the ships boat sits on,lantern I should have painted inside first,rudder chains.Ships boat planked just needs sanding & some filler,the small pins were just the right size to hold the planks until the glue dries.Anchors I tried rope around the brass rings but couldn't get it to look any good,maybe try again later when I fit them.I removed two of the big cannons for now they lined up so in use they would have blown the deadeye and rope to bits,not very clever.
  13. Thanks Popeye,i'll just cap the fronts after I've done the shrouds.Good idea lining up the gun ports with the slots in the plate you know exactly where you are then.The vent covers worked out pretty good for me.Onto the ships boat for a change of scenery now.
  14. Thanks to Shipaholic,Banyan,Augie,Slog for your advice.I did different sizes of deadeyes to the instructions following Shipaholics ship.My channels are in a different place to Shipaholics that's why the angles are a bit different.
  15. Great job Augie on the cannons and carriages,nice job.Congrats on pg 100 as well.
  16. Thanks a lot slog,it's good to know how the experts do it.
  17. Thanks very much Pats,Augie and Frank now I know how to do the next step,great ideas.Frank it'll be done by xmas just don't know which one yet.ron.
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