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Everything posted by kiwiron

  1. Thanks Popeye and Denis,good to get something else done.
  2. Hi Denis, no problems except lack of time to do any ship building.Hopefully have some spare time next month.
  3. Hey Doug,If it was'nt for Franks and your Supply mine would'nt have got far.No time to even scratch myself lately let alone do anything on the ship.The Bounty will be great.
  4. Beautifull job Doug i like your rope coils and the extra details you've added,very nice.It was'nt easy given the instructions thats for sure.Ok you can have 2 days off now b4 you start the next one,any ideas yet.I look forward to your next one.
  5. Thanks Denis and Popeye and for the likes.I have put the keel on temporarily now to see how the garboard plank will go.
  6. Some 2nd planking,start from the keel up now.I'm not tapering the planks as i will probably paint the hull.Going good so far.
  7. Thats no good Mick,i hope you can get over it o.k.Take care Ron.
  8. Hi Pawel,good idea,i'll use shorter planks and offset them a bit i think.
  9. Hi Ollie and Popeye,Good idea Ollie and Popeye not sure on what size the planks would have been,or what size to do mine.
  10. My next decision is should i use my second planks in their 600mm lengths or to cut planks to 200mm.I think it would be better to cut them and easier to lay individually.What do you think?
  11. Thanks a lot men for your comments they are a great help and good to get other peoples opinions and experiance.Thanks Ollie,so far i have done 2 fishing boats and one sailing ship.I thought i would try the hull as a jig a lot more accurate than anything i could have done on the table.Hi Steve the instructions say to fit the wales later.I thought if i put the wales on now i would'nt have to re-do the lines.Also it will be easier to line up the top and bottom planks against the wale.When i glue the wales on they will be higher at the stern on the line in the second photo.All trial and error.Hi Greg i will be doing a thinner plank at the top of the wale which has three planks.I painted the edges of the top and bottom wales like on Augies great build,i love that ship.Hi Popeye i will be using a 1mm top wale plank then three 2mm planks.The second planking layer is 0.6mm limewood for the top and sapelli below the wales.
  12. I used the hull as my wale jig, soaking the planks,bending then letting them dry on the hull.Just painted the edges and face of the bottom and top wale planks off the hull re-fit when dry and into their correct positions.
  13. Thanks Slog,maybe the next mark down would be better,i'll check what everyone else has done before i lay a plank.The line at the moment is off the instruction diagrams.
  14. Thanks Slog, great technique that would work really well, the 2nd planking is only 0.6mm thick so no need for a jig.The wale needs a jig though being 2mm limewood.Just put some diluted pva on the balsa at the front i read about that on someones log so when i plank it the balsa won't soak up the glue.
  15. Approx wale line etc,need to get this close as the wood changes from limewood to sapelli underneath it.
  16. Thanks Frank,i'm waiting to see how i tackle the blunt bit and pointy bit as well.
  17. Thanks Denis and Slog.Below the wale will be Sapelli and above limewood.The glue i used last time was ados contact and super glue just on each end worked ok but may try pva on a couple to see how it goes.The pva i use is dry in about half an hour.Not sure on the colours yet blue near the bulwarks for a start anyway.
  18. Thanks a lot gents,after sanding,filling sanding a few times she's about ready for second planking also a bit at the stern for 1st planking.
  19. Thanks Augie and Greg,the stern was easy as it goes and keep checking the keel against it.Being hard wood to sand made it shape up slowly which was good.
  20. 1st sanding done need to fill just behind the front balsa filler,it looks a bit to flat there i need to round it off better.Also removed a stern piece that was blocking the fitment of the rudder up through the deck,lucky i found it now.
  21. Thanks a lot Popeye,Not a bad idea with the sterm reinforcements much easier planking 0.6mm plank than 2mm.Just need to trim up the bow to look reasonable as well.
  22. Thanks for the advice Tom,i can do what i like to it as he gave it to me just see what people think is the best.The rest of the bowsprit is included and a few more blocks.Good idea with the sails and photo's.I would like to remove the deck to see how it is constructed underneath and who knows maybe a date of build.To do that i would possibly need to remove the cap rails.I have had a look under one of the cabins aft end the deck is quarter inch solid wood and looks like the hull is carved out of a solid piece of wood like a dug out canoe.We'll see.ron.
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