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Everything posted by Kevin

  1. Thank you it is still as per the last photo, in the future i will do the same as the back end and add a bit from the midships section to it and produce a diorama meanwhile i am working on the back end and have about 80 days left to produce something out of it
  2. lol i see the phots i posted they all look soibad then add a bit of glue and they become more presentable i now am asking myself what colour were the double floor frames, would i get away with red ochre i doubt they will ever be seen, but i dont know what sections are going to be opened up yet
  3. good evening everyone thankyou for comments and likes day 9/90 shaft tunnel taken me most of the day to get this level done, varnished, cutouts and slots done, deck plates will cover this in the next day or so, After this is glued into position, the stern will start to be built up all loose so will straihten them out as they have pva applied
  4. to be honest, i never thought about how good but unserviceable aircraft got back home, i need to read up on why this ship was used for it the PE work looks fantastic
  5. good evening everyone day 8/90 managed to make up another deck today, the last one is going to have to wait as it is fitted directly to the deck plates, and i am miles away from that the corners i am putting a thin strip of paper to tidy them up, with loads of weathering i doubt they will be seen tonight, i primed one level in grey just to see how it looks, i have infact just ordered some white primer and top coat i have not seen a SD14 superstructure in any other colour than ochre or white @realworkingsailor what is the best deck colour? would it be green
  6. quite easy OC 1 card kit, shape blades, straight edge, decent paper glue and superglue to mend me fingers when the sharp blade a straight edge system dont work
  7. i have a lot of the fwd section made up, i may add some of the now useless midships section and complete her as just out of build, (start of her life)
  8. i stopped the bleeding with a fast setting c/a and it got everywhere, never trust me with a sharp knife a few more of the diorama (NOT MY PHOTOS)
  9. good evening everyone day 7/90 - flying by i was inspired by this model many years ago, and will attempt something like this in my project, this is 1/144 whereas mine is twice the size NOT MY PHOTO looking on the net for cargo ship scrapping i came across this hence one of the reasons for add the extra cargo frames, never mind the foreground only 3 months to build 1/3 of a ship took a break from the frames today and played with the accommodation block, this brings in the full size of the build, here she is as of tonight NOT MY PHOTO
  10. thank you Andy i was trying to remember my Submarine training for feed water/ and distillers and everything my head had to remember, not to mention reactor recovery when sat in the ship control seat
  11. thank you for your reply, im not sure where the feed water comment came from, she is certainly a diesel driven unit built in the 1960, there are still some floating around i can certainly see a return to wind power
  12. good evening everyone day 6/90 well after the addition of the bulkhead, very little seams to have been done today, even though a put a good few hours in tomorrow i will be working on the shaft tunnel, as that area is getting well a truly battered from the moving around a bit of paint has made it look a bit better i now know where the three decks are going to sit engine room platform middle one is the tween/shelter deck (1/2 deck) and top deck all the tabs between the double floor frames will tidy up when the frames go in, it does make it look very untidy
  13. good morning everyone sorry about the confusion last night wrt to shelter/tween decks i have resolved my bulkhead issue, i used part of the midships section, which was beyond repair, and now in the process of joining them together to do that i cut back the bottom plates to gain access to the double floor frames, it now looks like the 3 part build will be a trwo part one, the front end as new and this end will be end of life at the breakers from the midships section i removed about 10 frames up to the forward cargo hold cut back the bottom plates to gain entry to the frames
  14. sorry john, my reply dont make sense, i never realised the two were the same (sheter/tween deck) even though it is in my opening comments, thank you for correcting me
  15. good evening everyone day 5/90 thank you for comments and likes i have a problem although available in three kits, it is not going to be easy to build the after section as such, as i have found out today, to keep its shape it needs the bulkhead, which is part of the midships section, which cannot be used as it has bowed from being in my garage for lots of years, also it would take me well past the group build timeline i am not allowed to purchase a replacement midships section (new years resolution, plus model dockyard has gone bust, and it looks like Marcle have as well, an email to them l keeps bouncing back so what's my options worst case is that i cut the midships section up and attempt to attach it to mine, or remove bits of it to try and duplicate, im not a big fan of either, today number 6 bulkhead has been made up and in place, an enjoyable project with lots of scoring to get the shape as you can see from the below image the engine room platform and the tween decks fit to the bulkhead but ultimately needs another one to take the weight and keep the shape, i don't think the frames will be enough to support the weight this is the midships sections been in my garage for well over 5 years tween decks level being made up away from the hull
  16. good evening everyone day 5/90 thank you for comments and likes i have a problem although available in three kits, it is not going to be easy to build the after section as such, as i have found out today, to keep its shape it needs the bulkhead, which is part of the midships section, which cannot be used as it has bowed from being in my garage for lots of years, also it would take me well past the group build timeline i am not allowed to purchase a replacement midships section (new years resolution, plus model dockyard has gone bust, and it looks like Marcle have as well, an email to them l keeps bouncing back so what's my options worst case is that i cut the midships section up and attempt to attach it to mine, or remove bits of it to try and duplicate, im not a big fan of either, today number 6 bulkhead has been made up and in place, an enjoyable project with lots of scoring to get the shape as you can see from the below image the engine room platform and the tween decks fit to the bulkhead but ultimately needs another one to take the weight and keep the shape, i don't think the frames will be enough to support the weight this is the midships sections been in my garage for well over 5 years tween decks level being made up away from the hull
  17. thank you as it will be in a cutaway, i will be aware now when it comes to the upper deck and access, it will be helpful then to see what types of goods would be held in this area, as i had presumed that the name shelter, meant that
  18. good evening everyone sheet 124 4/90 0ver 50% of the tank tops are now on, im just going around ensuring they are all secure to avoid any lifting tonight i have varnished the next load of sheets with a matte Modge Podge (maybe other makes are available) one of the major bulkheads goes in tomorrow onto frame 37
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