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About vossiewulf

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    Charlottesville VA
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    Everything. Mostly.

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  1. Put your CA bottles in the refrigerator and they won't go bad.
  2. I wouldn't recommend them. I got one at about $80 shipped, the runout on the chuck is really excessive. Which is too bad, it's otherwise reasonably well made with a smooth high rpm motor which is perfect for #60-#80 drill bits.
  3. The variance in number of guns is always with respect to the armament on the forecastle/quarterdeck/poop, obviously the number of gunports on the two gundecks is fixed at the time of building. And it seems in this case that the author of Nelson and the Nile forgot to list 10 carronades on the poop deck, resulting in him being 10 short when you do the math.
  4. Model Shipways has the "Shipwright Series" of simpler boats that are specifically designed to teach new builders what they need to know before taking on more complex projects. You're right that you don't want to start with the Constitution, that is a multi-year complex project under the best of circumstances.
  5. Steve, I took a diamond file to my round-nosed pliers to make one side much smaller for the purposes of smaller loops in hooks and eyebolts. I believe Phil prefers to use drill bits of the right size. Either will work.
  6. John, if you put no blocks or other connectors between the bulkheads, those bulkheads will be free to vibrate independently when you're trying to fair them with sanding blocks/files and that process will not go easily. Even small blocks that lock the bulkheads together will help you fair the hull more cleanly.
  7. Had an MRI on my back this past week, my fracture has still not healed so it's several more weeks of bed rest and back braces for me and no workshop time. Yay fun...
  8. First, the wood for the first planking layer is chosen for its cheapness, not its appearance. The second layer is made of better, more attractive wood. Second, the kit is designed assuming two layers of planking for the fitting of the keel and rails and such. Further, to be honest, your first layer of planking probably won't go as well as you hope it would unless you have extensive small scale woodworking experience. You need that first layer to figure out what the heck planking is and what the factors are and how to handle them. Your second try will go much better.
  9. I much prefer ball end pin vises. I have three, each with a different chuck.
  10. Dan, the thing about replacing the cannon with something larger is that the guns will no longer be centered in the gunports. I bought some bigger guns to try, but I ended up using the kit guns because I didn't like how the bigger guns were up at the top of the gunports, just didn't look right to me. You may have a different view, just letting you know the factor that made me keep the kit guns. If you look for other guns I'd recommend pinging Chris Watton like Andrew suggested and see if you can get some of his 1:64 Alert guns as those would most likely to fit.
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