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Everything posted by vossiewulf

  1. John, if you put no blocks or other connectors between the bulkheads, those bulkheads will be free to vibrate independently when you're trying to fair them with sanding blocks/files and that process will not go easily. Even small blocks that lock the bulkheads together will help you fair the hull more cleanly.
  2. Had an MRI on my back this past week, my fracture has still not healed so it's several more weeks of bed rest and back braces for me and no workshop time. Yay fun...
  3. I wish all the best for your wife Glenn, will keep fingers crossed.
  4. First, the wood for the first planking layer is chosen for its cheapness, not its appearance. The second layer is made of better, more attractive wood. Second, the kit is designed assuming two layers of planking for the fitting of the keel and rails and such. Further, to be honest, your first layer of planking probably won't go as well as you hope it would unless you have extensive small scale woodworking experience. You need that first layer to figure out what the heck planking is and what the factors are and how to handle them. Your second try will go much better.
  5. I much prefer ball end pin vises. I have three, each with a different chuck.
  6. Dan, the thing about replacing the cannon with something larger is that the guns will no longer be centered in the gunports. I bought some bigger guns to try, but I ended up using the kit guns because I didn't like how the bigger guns were up at the top of the gunports, just didn't look right to me. You may have a different view, just letting you know the factor that made me keep the kit guns. If you look for other guns I'd recommend pinging Chris Watton like Andrew suggested and see if you can get some of his 1:64 Alert guns as those would most likely to fit.
  7. I'm betting he duct taped the phone to his forehead and used his nose to take the photo.
  8. I'm in Charlottesville, I've seen a few other VA modelers.
  9. Thanks Mark, you have a nice setup and process there, much better on the organization of the blades than I am. I think I might borrow the way you're doing it. Also I am unhappy with my bench pin as well, I will go look at the Knew Concepts one, I haven't seen that before. For everyone else reading, stop by the Knew Concepts shop and take a look around they have very good tools, as Mark is showing you can do some very good work with them
  10. I have the Knew Concepts saw, it's a real joy to use. The cam tensioning is an order of magnitude easier than the I need three hands standard saw method.
  11. Welcome John! Ships are kind of the final boss on the modeling tree, the challenge ranges from "hmm that's tricky" to "OMG I think my eyes are bleeding" Have fun and go slow and read others' build logs to see what tools and techniques they're using, there are some extraordinarily good builders here.
  12. Chris the problem is as I pointed out at Drydock Models there are new manufacturer names popping up. If the NRG is serious about its stance it needs to one track manufacturers and identify the pirates and two keep the published list up to date.
  13. They're made of thin spring steel coated in diamond abrasive, making their lifespan essentially indefinite when used only on wood. So they're a bit fancier than a strip of sandpaper.
  14. Actually I think it's fine if you have a build log for the locomotive here, it just has to be in the Non-Ship/Categorized Builds Forum, look under The Crew's Lounge.
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