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About Nirvana

  • Birthday 01/19/1965

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Centralia, WA
  • Interests
    Ship-modeling, RC sailing, Maritime History, SketchUp Design and modeling, music and my dogs

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  1. From Pacific NorthWest
  2. A Big and Warm
  3. Seems to a lazy day at the yard, what happened to all the carpenters? Are they relieved for the day? 😄 Just joking Denis, that rendering is very nice and clean, you have done a very good job so far.... and we all know more is to come.
  4. Sad tragic! Would be a beautiful model to build.
  5. As Srenner wrote about the nano particles, that will be one of the critical number to look at. Resin is brittle but does provide very good detailing that regular filament printing can't do. Another aspect the higher (quality) cost of a printer the better details. I, myself is looking into purchasing a resin printer as an addition to my filament printer.
  6. That has happened to me as well, brownish tone and separating...
  7. Take the CD to someone who has a drive. It should contained a printable file. You should be able to print out the instructions at a printing. Good luck
  8. Nick, you are nicely off with good start. Looking forward to seeing your "speedy" progress. Best to you. Btw, Poulsbo is beautiful, love the place.
  9. I just placed an order of these scissors, shouldn't take long to get them as manufacturing is done in Idaho.
  10. Here is another site to look at. More expensive but the quality is outstanding. Starrett Pin Vise set.
  11. Brian, I just finished reading your build log. I am impressed with your patience and determination. You did a great job with all the rolling of paper. Coming to an end and leaning back and saying "I did it" is always a good feeling.
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