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Everything posted by Nirvana

  1. I did have time to visit my hobby store and my favorite store... WoodCraft, where I found this two new useful tools. One is a sander, a package with 3 different grades. Second one .... a rasp for the Dremel. The tool is made in the USA, which is nice This is a Kutzwall Silver Burrs Coarse. Price wise, oh yes on the higher end but does a fabulous and smooth work. This tool works well on many type of materials such as fiberglass, rubber, foam .... ice plus more to mention the odds ones for us. This rotary rasp takes off a lot of wood in a heartbeat. But also creates a nice surface. It comes in different forms, shapes and grades.
  2. Glen, A warm welcome back to MSW edition 2. What a progress of Ann Mckim, beautiful done. Wasn't it Liberty Lake you are located @?
  3. We all value the plans we have gotten, from kits or just buying the plans themselves. Navigational charts are really expensive and each time they are folded or rolled there will be tension to them. If not protected, they will fall apart where they have been folded. I remember my father covering his charts with a transparent film, which I have found available through one of many office supplier companies. This one was only 18" wide, hopefully I will be able to find a 28" + for the wider plans. On this film I can use dry-erase sharpies and wipe off the lines later on. This way my plans will be protective from UV-light and mechanical strains. The film is soft enough to be rolled or folded.
  4. Matti, That last picture of the stern against the sky, I loved it! With the tree down in the background I almost got a feeling it was the real thing. Nice progress!
  5. Hmm, I was cleaning my work table and placing items in their proper areas. I have four metallic rulers, both showing the metric and imperial units. By pure curiosity I placed the shortest one, 15.24cm - 6" next to my 30.48cm - 12" and my two 45.72cm -18" and found differences. None measured as the other. The difference is so slight, but could probably cause error when mixed. Now I marked the 15.24cm and 45.72cm that are almost identical. The other two to be donated to friends 3rd grader school kids. A high quality digital caliper needs to be purchased.
  6. I would even like to see a 1:48 scale, now that would be impressive. This model is waiting in the wings.
  7. Wow,this is another amazing CAD project. Beautiful done with an eye for details. Went to blenders website and there are some amazing videos where this program has been used. Worth a try. Even though I am a SketchUp man.
  8. How about a block of basswood? Okay, it's higher density therefore harder to form but the planking will certainly "nail" to it, both with glue and nails. Just my two cents
  9. Keith, stupid question, but brass can have different softness due to the mix of how it was produce, wonder if the pintle had a different compound to create this reaction?! Just a thought
  10. Keith aka themadchemist, I always enjoy when you step in explaining the metallurgic behavior with different treatments. Thank you for this.
  11. Those final pictures are very nice, placing her at her right element.
  12. Hello Per-Olof, oh that song .... muggebigge Mahogny skrov med ruff..... so many memories from the Swedish waters. Very nice progress with your HMS Victory.
  13. Bob, I know you are building a US tug, but please let me provide a little service of a tug from Sweden. This link goes to the Swedish Maritime Museum and you will have the plans directly with one. It's not close to the shape of your build but gives you an idea. http://www.sjohistoriska.se/sv/Fordjupning/MarketStore/Ritning/?msobjid=0002143&Origin=SM
  14. Jerry, Now it is a serious scale. What is the material of planking? And current weight would be interesting to know as well. She looks heavy already. Very nice job!
  15. Farbror Fartyg, Hmm this thing with Havrefras (remember I liked them as a kid), back in the stone age Hope you don't take away food from your kids, they may never forgive you for it, however I am looking forward to see this "wreck site"
  16. I have one of five hundred limited editions of a kit from BB and it comes with Obeshi planking for the hull. This material is very soft and useful especially when adding a second planking to it.. As for this kit waiting, it will be even more elaborate .... .... hopefully the idea of might work. Just as i say, .... may work. Results will show. Use the Obeshi wood, as for the first layer of planking. then adding wood of your choice ...second layer is the thin option of wood. Looking forward to see more of your progress.
  17. This picture is directly related to my build as I am working out the tweaks with the new sewing machine. The fabric shown is the one to be used as sails, I have used a natural thread and a brown one. In my opinion the natural blends into the fabric to much while the brown stands out more. Next time I am passing JoAnns by I will pick up more colored threads. Meanwhile any inputs of thread color for sails? I also experimented with length, no 2 little narrow and 4 little to far apart. Probably going with no 3. Will look at the plans for consultation.
  18. Wondering if a Therapy for Shipaholics session is needed here? Could be to late But the built is coming together beautifully.
  19. Perfect! And so simple surely will adapt the idea. Thank you for the tip.
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