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Everything posted by Nirvana

  1. Erik, The progress looks real good. Slow and steady job is the key. Check and triple check before attaching is the key. The build log of Chuck is very useful.
  2. Erik, Very nice! Now, before sanding the frames, attach secure them on top so they won't break or get move while doing it. See several build logs for ideas.
  3. Erik, Chuck used CA building the whole boat. I used Maxi-Cure extra thick 10-25 sec. Which worked fine for me. As for planking a combo of white glue and CA. Good luck, now it is time for me preparing the last before my flight to Sweden.
  4. Erik, If you need a material list for upgrade with boxwood I am more than happy to provide with such. Bear in mind I am heading on three week vacation to Sweden from June 16th. I know others has the same material list and will help you as well.
  5. Erik, A warm , I would recommend you to download and print the friezes that is pinned to this topic by Chuck. As it has turned out not all boats are coming out the same size. Looking forward seeing your build log. Some of us got the upgrade wood kit from Jeff @Hobbymill while he had his business. I did get the wood, and also bought dead eyes and lines from Chuck @SyrenModelShipCompany
  6. Keith, you make me drool. I want a Byrnes saw so much. Unfortunate other expenses has priority.
  7. Thank you Erik, it is a pleasure working on the longboat. And good luck embarking your journey with her.
  8. Mark, One of your pictures shown an item submersed in water in a bucket??!! Please tell us more about it? This is interesting!
  9. Mark, I am interested in the laser cutter but however I am very hesitant over the quality of this MM product. As Chuck stated in another posting there is a huge difference between the machine he is using for his products vs. the items "we" (the common) like to use for our personal use. 400 dollars of laser machine is still a lot of money, this versus what you can get custom made from Chuck who has a higher quality machine with better tolerance. I am looking forward to read more about your advances with the laser. As of today, my money would go to Chuck. He know his machine very well, while our trial and error will increase costs for a time. Good luck my friend. Edit from previous: I don't know if I am wrong but I might have the cost of the machine wrong, as according to MM the price is $2000.00
  10. Copied the frames and printed in order to get front face to frame #7, applied to 1/32" boxwood sheet, cut out and sanded. Having a nice and tight fit over the keel, sits a little to much over the risers only light sanding and glue into place. Pictures reveal to much, I had the pictures resized and found several with part flaws during the editing. But here is the pictures. How Chuck did this is a mystery to me......
  11. Gil, I couldn't resist but from the day of the baptizing of your Victory I have some pictures. Everyone let me introduce the builder of this magnificent ship. The following four pictures is from his ship and the detailing he put in to this.
  12. Risers in place and moving forward. Took the following two pictures outside, at the temp of 95°F / 35°C and rising.
  13. Janet, there is an issue with second hand Byrnes table saw. Extremely hard to find, and I am trying several sources, the one I found long time ago were even more expensive than buying directly from Donna and Jim.
  14. The stem platform is also in place while only sections of the risers has been attached(glued)
  15. Augie,as usual beautiful job with the command post. Now get the other salmon with my name as well,heard they are "lining" up to be caught. Enjoy your fishing, once you are back I will be gone for my three weeks of vacation.
  16. Still using my phone for documentation. The stem platform is re-done and I am much happier with the outcome than the first one. I would recommend everyone to add support underneath to avoid breakage.
  17. Mike, there is a lot of sanding to do. The cap rail is 3/16" wide and that rail is to have a little lip over the planking. So each frame is to be less than 3/16". With other words a lot of sanding. A micro-meter is a good tool. Oh, btw nice progress looking very nice.
  18. Don't know what happened, but either the boat got bigger or the risers has shrunk. I am back to square one regarding them, another dry test show them shorter than before, even the width has changed. Thanks to the extra material from Chuck there won't be any problems only more work.
  19. David, even with a small boat like this I am amazed what can be done. Thanks for the compliment.
  20. For those of you not recognizing the items, these are the risers. Both were scribed and varnished to get the detail to stand out. Then I have drilled small holes that I enhanced with regular 6H pencil. Sanding is next and another layer of varnish.
  21. Joss, Looking good. The stain (varnish) will not affect painted areas, oil or waterbased. Look at my build log, the paint even worked as a mask. As for the frieze, have the cap rail painted first, then attach the frieze and finally the rub rail (make sure you have it painted first), just like the instructions says. Painting or staining various areas is up to each builder of this amazing little boat.
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