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Everything posted by Nirvana

  1. Augie, Thank you for the kind words. The inspiration for this idea is from several of you, including you Augie.
  2. Thank you Steve. It is the first time I am trying trennelling. Forgot to mention the floorboards has gotten varnish. It's a visible difference between them and hull.
  3. Treenails enhanced by using 6H pencil, then each nail varnished with 25/75 golden oak/natural
  4. Treenails enhanced by using 6H pencil, then each nail varnished with 25/75 golden oak/natural
  5. Kurt and all,to me that looks like scratch, the detailing is outstanding.
  6. The instructions doesn't mention anything about this details, however I thought it would be a nice touch.
  7. Floor boards getting false tree nails. Will be enhanced before the 50/50 varnish mix is applied. Uploaded via my Samsung 5s.
  8. I used regular printer paper as base. Titebond II doesn't have a high water content makes it perfect to glue wood to paper. The strips are boxwood and I used a carpenter pencil to darken the edges. The completed square will be varnished before shaping.
  9. My laptop died with poof and smoke yesterday with all the pictures on the hdd. This is the build of flooring for the aft.
  10. Augie, I am pouring me a glass of milk to drink in order to celebrate this magnificent milestone and event. Beautiful done. Are you keeping a seperate time log for the build? Like the log provided in the instructions?
  11. Mark, thank you The extra boxwood from Jeff (HobbyMill) has been a good source for the testing.
  12. However, Many of the bandsaws I have going through during past night, this are the ones in the range of 9" and 100-150 USD I found that all had the same type of motor - 120/240V, 2.5AMP comes with a 6TPI blade. Mostly what differs is the outer shell design, some has less volume (less resonance and vibrations) while other has a bulkier/squarer shape volumes. No matter when it comes to buy a saw in this size, replace the blade to better grade and screw down the unit (using water levelers) through a 1/8" rubber mat to a solid bench to eliminate vibrations and noise. Attach noses for vacuum extraction. Start sawing and hopefully you will have good outcome!
  13. Looking at the picture uploaded verses the physical, this time the true one has a better shine. In the picture the coating has a rather flat finish. Once the friezes are added along with the molding strip I think this will shape up rather nicely.
  14. I have added another layer of varnish had it dried - and removed the tape. In this picture you will find the difference on the planking. The top plank is regular boxwood untreated while the rest has the 75/25 ratio of my varnish. I like this as it gives the longboat some weight feeling. I could be wrong, but as Chuck mentions in the manual, this kit is based on one of so many thousands made. And I think no matter how we will do ours, in one or another way - all are right.
  15. Stu and all that are building Essex, There is an amazing book available, I have this one in my library. The book belongs to the series of "Anatomy of the Ship - The 32 Gun Frigate Essex" Author is Portia Takakjian. I found this book at Amazon at a price of 12 dollars plus 4 dollar for shipping and handling. Maybe a book to solve a lot of the mysteries around the kit or even better - to do from scratch. Some of the drawings are in scale - some in perspective (no scale) I.e explaining spar plan, oversized scaled plan of the capstan - 1:24 scale with all details. Even a line plan and structural arrangement along with frames is provided for the 30' barge she carried. I am not considering buying the Essex kit, as I have the Confederacy waiting.
  16. Keith, I take it your are using Mac?! Jim is a frequent reader of this website and might contact you reading your message. However, you can reach him by mail through this website as well, in the upper right corner you will find a search feature. Change to member, and enter Jim Byrnes and you will have his pm (direct msg) and email. Good luck and yes, Byrnes machines are amazing, I have the thickness sander. Very pleased!
  17. Hmm, I haven't been paying attention to this amazing yacht in a long time. So bizarre I haven't done the finishing things. It's more about all the lines that is need to o be attached. Don't know why it bother me so much I guess I have at most some 10 hours of working to finalize S/Y America......
  18. It has been awhile since my last posting. To much work around the house and an up-coming vacation in June that does require some studying. Priority 1 as this is seaman ship related. Pictures will posted later this summer. On top of that studies for certification of Windows Server 2012 is added. Those studies has the priority 2 almost P1. Bottom white done since long. After that I trialed with different mixtures for the staining, and found my own staining versions. For the outer-hull I mix MinWax Natural 75% with 25% Mahogany. The scribed parts will get a mix. Enhanced scribed 50/50 Golden Oak and Mahogany, then sanded to enhance those lines. Toping with 50/50 Golden Oak and Natural. The trial was to my liking. Ps. Any staining should be done after regular painting, the regular paint will work as a mask.
  19. May I suggest to make a template of the deck, then make a thinner version of Birch Plywood and maybe adding deck planking. Not only it will give the strength needed but also look good. But then again it's only my 2 cents.
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