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About Shotlocker

  • Birthday 06/15/1947

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  • Location
    Indiana, Pennsylvania, USA
  • Interests
    Model building - wood carving - photography - astronomy - fixing things

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  1. Interesting article. I think this type of WWI mine-laying submarine would make a great model kit. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/3d-map-reveals-why-german-sailors-sank-their-own-submarine/ss-AA1l8L4M?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=d7c816a499af4dd6b8c865758d68fd48&ei=146
  2. Scott, I began building that model when I was I was twelve, finished it when I was 13 (1960...whew!), then won a 1st place trophy with it the next year at a USNR model contest. Amazingly, it's still intact. I just dusted it off last month and all of the masts and spars are in excellent condition, perhaps because for many years the ship was stored in a wooden crate during my many moves around the country. I'm happy that you're restoring yours and hope that one of our sons will someday treasure mine as well. Best Regards, Gary
  3. Quite the machine all right but methinks I would set it on something a bit more stable than those two blocks of wood!
  4. Nice! A challenge for the kit manufacturer would be to reproduce the structure that was beneath that monstrous turret. Considering the secrecy that was in place during Yamato's construction, tho', that information may not be available now.
  5. One tip concerning silica gel - once saturated, it can be restored by popping the packet into a microwave for a period of time, depending upon the size of the packet. It works, I've done it, just keep an eye on the thing while it's being zapped. Heating it in an oven also works.
  6. Bill, That must have been quite a pleasant surprise to discover a forgotten ship model kit hidden away! As to build or not to build, I think you should construct it - it'd be a great addition to display. Off topic, have you finished the Mary Celeste yet? Gary
  7. You're welcome. During General Quarters, my battle station was in the radio shack, so I never got to see actual sweeping operations, although I'm certain those cables floated. We never had to sweep live mines on my tour, just dummies, but I'll always remember the 40mm cannon on the bow shaking the entire ship when it was fired at one (at least I think it was a 40mm). Also, I always kept in my mind the image of a giant photo in the Minelant headquarters building in Charleston of a South Korean minesweeper being blown to bits after hitting one.
  8. GB, Nice looking vessel you've built! I've also not heard of an MSB even though I was a radioman operator onboard three different MSO's on the east coast. One comment about the cable on the reel - the cables on board our ships all had segmented floats on them. The photo is the stern of the USS Alacrity, 1969, as an example. Sure don't know if those river boats had them tho'. Gary
  9. That spoke was/is known as the "King's spoke" and it was differentiated from the others in various ways.
  10. Or it could be the spoke indicating that the rudder is amidships....
  11. Outstanding meticulous workmanship. Way above my pay grade!
  12. "One rule to rule them all...one rule to bind them."
  13. You, sir, are indeed a master craftsman - beautiful work to behold and admire!
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