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Panthere 1744 in 3D

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Hello :)


Time to start a new build log for an old project of mine, the Panthere, a french 6-pounder frigate. According to Boudriot, she was one the last fregates légères. Built in 1744 in Brest, she was captured in 1745 by the Royal Navy and had a pretty successful career which lasted until 1763.


As with the Hvide Orn, I´m using Blender 3D and GIMP.


WIP pics (the hull is just the outside planking at the moment):












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Due to their fine unterwater lines, french ships of the time had little bouyancy fore and aft. This could explain the 'missing' gun ports.


I´m having a little trouble with the bow, the waterline drawing indicates a beakhead bulkhead, but what is the line in the profile (marked with the red arrow) supposed to show?




Here´s what Boudriot in 'History Of The French Frigate' says about this:


'There appears to be some hesitation in the depiction of the head of the vessel, so that is impossible to say wether it is round or square. Logically, the former ought to be the case, despite the indication of a beakhead bulkhead.'


Thoughts? :)

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It looks to me that the upper of the two lines indicated by the arrow is an extension of a faint line, possibly the forecastle deck line, and the lower (horizontal) line might then be used to give the height of the forecastle at the bulkhead.  Other than that, I have no idea what that line might be.



Due to their fine unterwater lines, french ships of the time had little bouyancy fore and aft. This could explain the 'missing' gun ports.


I´m having a little trouble with the bow, the waterline drawing indicates a beakhead bulkhead, but what is the line in the profile (marked with the red arrow) supposed to show?


Here´s what Boudriot in 'History Of The French Frigate' says about this:


'There appears to be some hesitation in the depiction of the head of the vessel, so that is impossible to say wether it is round or square. Logically, the former ought to be the case, despite the indication of a beakhead bulkhead.'


Thoughts? :)


Current project: HMS Pandora (1779) CAD build

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  • 2 weeks later...

Your build looks good- that's the great thing about the forums, we all can participate regardless of skill (though I don't think you have anything to be sheepish about)



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I can't answer your question, Bava, but I can't see why you have to be daunted by the quality of other CAD builds. This is a familiar statement amongst the wood builders too. The fact is that your quality of craftmanship is very high indeed. We are all learning from each other in this business, and clearly some have had a great deal more experience than others. For me, I have never felt 'daunted', but what others have done certainly does inspire me to find out how they do it so that I can try my hand as well.


I've been following your build with great interest, and I really like the way you've patterned the wood, the figurehead and bows. What would be very helpful to me as I learn from you would be some indicators of how you achieve the various bits of the build as you go along. That's what I try to do with my own build log. I realise I am a total novice, but I also know that others who are novices are often struggling with the same problems I have faced, so I try to explain how I overcame them -- even though others on this site have achieved better and more elegant solutions to the same problems.


There's simply too many builds to follow each and every one to learn how others have done it, so the more info that can be given with each log the better!


So, in short, don't feel 'daunted' but know that you are also a leader for some of us.



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Thank you for your kind words, Tony :)


What would be very helpful to me as I learn from you would be some indicators of how you achieve the various bits of the build as you go along.


Well, this is one of the big problems with 3D builds, all depends on the program you´re using. As far as I know I´m the only Blender user (rather surprising as it is completely free) here - and the only one who makes modells intended for games, so I didn´t think that my approach would be worth explaining in detail. But if there are other blender user I´ll happily share my modelling techniques, just feel free to ask :)



And now some recent pictures of the modell:














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Looking very good.  On the problem of the two lines...  I believe the beakhead bulkhead is flared out over the hull a bit.  It's like that on my Licorne. The flare is such that it squares off the forward end of the forecastle and gives more room for line and cannon (assuming there were cannon there) handling. 

"The shipwright is slow, but the wood is patient." - me

Current Build:                                                                                             
Past Builds:
 La Belle Poule 1765 - French Frigate from ANCRE plans - ON HOLD           Triton Cross-Section   

 NRG Hallf Hull Planking Kit                                                                            HMS Sphinx 1775 - Vanguard Models - 1:64               


Non-Ship Model:                                                                                         On hold, maybe forever:           

CH-53 Sikorsky - 1:48 - Revell - Completed                                                   Licorne - 1755 from Hahn Plans (Scratch) Version 2.0 (Abandoned)         



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Yes, Bava, I quite understand your comment about the difficulties of explanation when there are different CAD packages. I'll have a look at Blender, especially as it can be used on both Linux and Windows platforms, but I'll probably only do this seriously once I have finished my longboat as that is now firmly in TurboCAD and I'm just waiting to render the surfaces and do the internal detail.


What I had in mind was something along the lines that SketchUpModeller uses in his HMS Pandora (1779) CAD build log, where he provides a generic description of each step but it is detailed enough to translate to different packages. This is such an interesting area for all modellers and there are so few logs on this site of CAD builds that any ideas thrown into the mix showing the different approaches CAD builders use to their modelling would be very beneficial. It is even more interesting that you have the specific purpose of designing for games, so that would add further to the interest!


All the same, it is great that you are posting with whatever time you have to spend on this, so take my comments only as a minor request just in case you feel able to provide more detail.




Well, this is one of the big problems with 3D builds, all depends on the program you´re using. As far as I know I´m the only Blender user (rather surprising as it is completely free) here - and the only one who makes modells intended for games, so I didn´t think that my approach would be worth explaining in detail. But if there are other blender user I´ll happily share my modelling techniques, just feel free to ask 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Wonderful work! I like your results, Daniel

To victory and beyond! http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/76-hms-victory-by-dafi-to-victory-and-beyond/

See also our german forum for Sailing Ship Modeling and History: http://www.segelschiffsmodellbau.com/

Finest etch parts for HMS Victory 1:100 (Heller Kit), USS Constitution 1:96 (Revell) and other useful bits.


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  • 5 weeks later...


The reason people do not use Blender is that they probably first looked at it when the interface was horrendus (expletative deleted). That is why I did not go that route. HOWEVER Cinema 4D has priced me out with their upgrades and I looked at Blender again after the interface changed. I'm going to switch on my next project. I want to research it's plan (pattern) making capability and maybe try it instead or TurboCad, which is also getting expensive.


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  • 4 months later...



Blender really is easy to use if you get used to the interface. It doesn´t take more than a few tutorials and you´re using shortcuts 80% of the time anyway :)


Soooo, summer break´s over, had some quality modelling time this week:



Changed a few bits here and there and added the beams for the quarterdeck.

'Humans' are 5'9''.




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  • 3 weeks later...
Awesome...sure cuts down on the sawdust  or do you add that too?



hehe, a nice guy on another modelling forum suggested that I should have some sawdust on my desktop to get the feel and smell of the 'real' thing :D

But no, otherwise there won´t be any sawdust. Maybe a nice stand for the ship with her name on it :)

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Wow,this is another amazing CAD project.

Beautiful done with an eye for details.

Went to blenders website and there are some amazing videos where this program has been used.

Worth a try. Even though I am a SketchUp man.


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Per aka Dr. Per@Therapy for Shipaholics 

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Hi Bava, nice work.


I just started using Blender.  So far not to bad.  Do you import anything or is everything built in Blender.  I ask because I am importing stl files out of Solid Edge and Solid Works.




Current Builds:  Revell 1:96 Thermopylae Restoration

                           Revell 1:96 Constitution COMPLETED

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Planned Builds: Scientific Sea Witch

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Looks awesome, I would skip the build and just get a 3D Printer :)  I like the internal pics, hope to see more!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Bava, nice work.


I just started using Blender.  So far not to bad.  Do you import anything or is everything built in Blender.  I ask because I am importing stl files out of Solid Edge and Solid Works.




Hi Scott,


everything´s done in Blender, as I don´t like breaks like importing/exporting in my workflow :)


Looks awesome, I would skip the build and just get a 3D Printer :)  I like the internal pics, hope to see more!


Thanks :) I´ll redo the capstans and forecastle fittings, so there should be more internal stuff to show soon.


Finished the texture for the ship bell today:




The whole text reads 'PANTHERE FECIT 1744'


Best regards,


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